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Posts tagged as “secession”

South Dakota Sensibly Cool to November Secession Outburst

Well done, South Dakotans! You may anti-union, but you aren't anti-Union. According to analysis by sociology professor Neal Caren and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, South Dakotans were among the least enthusiastic participants in the secession tantrum following…

Secession Doesn’t Pay

Forget the moral critique of the Obama-grieving secessionists as seditious America-haters. Let's talk pragmatics. If you secessionists think you're in bad fiscal shape now, just think how bad off you'd be if you got your wish and turned your state…

Secession: Crime Against Constitution and Union

For once, World News Daily, a popular right-wing hysteria website, gets a headline right: "Secession Madness!" The folks who hate Barack Hussein Obama more than they love America are progressing in their grief over the President's and real Americans' victory…