Gordon Howie linklessly whines that "nasty bloggers" are "polluting the Internet." He doesn't name any nasties or give examples of the pollution that rouses his self-righteous ire. But I'll wager he'd want to point the finger at his fellow wingnut…
Posts tagged as “socialism”
Spearfish Socialism on Roller Skates… and Outdoor Movies!
Ah, socialism: the Spearfish City Council made two special appropriations at its Monday, May 7 meeting. The city first appropriated $4,130 to buy and maintain 300 used pairs of roller skates from a closing rink in Montana. According to yesterday's…
Florence Thompson Campaigns Against Socialism
I want to be proud of all my fellow citizens who take on the challenge of running for public office. But far too many kooks are mistaking the opportunity to craft public policy for the chance to submit audition tapes…
North Dakota Enjoys Benefits of Socialist State Bank and Mill
Who says socialism doesn't work? North Dakota operates the Bank of North Dakota (that's a bank with .gov as its Web suffix) and the North Dakota Mill and Elevator Association, and they feel fine: All state revenues are deposited in…
Mercer Peeved at Rutland; Also Not Fond of Capitalism
Full disclosure: the Rutland School District has been a Madville Times sponsor for over two years. I try not to let sponsors' money affect my editorial choices, but I acknowledge that some readers may interpret this text differently. Apply what…
Pledge of Allegiance: Socialist Propaganda, Marketing Ploy…
...and since Eisenhower, affirmation of existence of God. I submitted a response yesterday to Dakota War College's mistaken praise of the Pledge of Allegiance. My nefarious links to Wikipedia apparently triggered the moderation filter, and apparently no one has checked…
Socialism Might Be an Improvement over Corporate Feudalism
Dr. Newquist does fine work as usual, today vivisecting the right-wing crony-capitalist beast: When the government bailed out the auto industry and expected some responsible accountability for the loans it gave, the right wing immediately shouted socialism and Government Motors.…
Project Maps Community Broadband Networks
The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (there's a group Governor Daugaard should read up on!) has mapped community-owned broadband networks across the country: South Dakota gets two markers on the map: Municipal Telephone and Cablevision in Beresford and Swiftel in South…