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Posts tagged as “South Dakota School of Mines and Technology”

New Mines President Wilson Not LGBT-Friendly

The Board of Regents last week named former New Mexico Congresswoman Heather Wilson the new president of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. The Regents tout her public-sector experience, even though she is mostly a creature of government.…

Public Investment in Homestake Science Good for South Dakota Economy

Governor Dennis Daugaard is building back his spending on state employees faster than he is repairing the fiscal damage he's done to our K-12 system (though his Administration will argue the growth of state government jobs isn't out of line).…

Mines Grads Beat Harvard for Starting Pay; MN, ND, WY Beat SD on ROI

Hey, math whizzes! Looking to make good money fast right out of college? Forget Harvard; sign up for engineering at School of Mines! Harvard University's graduates are earning less than those from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology…