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Posts tagged as “standardized tests”

Common Core: Fewer Bubbles, More Tests

Fellow educator Leo Kallis and I have misgivings about South Dakota's focus on more standardized testing in its implementation of the Common Core standards. Josh Verges, education reporter for that Sioux Falls paper, notes that Kallis and I are wrong…

Standardized Tests Drive Teacher to Resign; I Fight with Great French Tests

My potential allies at South Dakotans Against Common Core post this video by Chicago North Shore elementary school teacher Ellie Rubenstein. Amend that: former elementary school teacher Ellie Rubenstein. Mrs. Rubenstein posted her resignation to the Intertubes last week. She…

Vague Cries for Education Reform Must Face Irrelevance of Test Scores

Joel Rosenthal wakes us up with some vague griping and moaning about the need for education reform. Rosenthal acknowledges South Dakotans' rejection last November of Initiated Measure 15 and Referred Law 16 as signals that we think our K-12 system…

Scapegoating Teachers Masks Funding Gaps and 1%’s Privatization Agenda

Governor Daugaard and certain Republican legislators like to scapegoat teachers. Daugaard and friends say we teachers aren't working hard enough. We need both incentives and kick in our collective bargaining pants to improve our performance. Governor Daugaard and his legislative…

Teacher Evaluations Based on Bubble Tests a Really Bad Idea: Vote No on 16!

In support of Referred Law 16, Governor Daugaard has been able to recruit one teacher with ties to the education-privatization movement (Milken has pushed privatization of education in Israel, too) and one administrator who resorts to vague anti-teacher generalizations. In…