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Posts tagged as “Stanford Adelstein”

Howie + Adelstein: Balanced Budget Amendment Unnecessary

The Tea Party is all about fiscal discipline. So what could possess Rapid City Tea Party diehard Gordon Howie to oppose a balanced budget amendment to South Dakota's constitution? The fact that the amendment was proposed by Governor Dennis Daugaard,…

Adelstein to Gant: Resign, You Lawbreaking, Deceitful Incompetent!

Senator Stanford Adelstein (R-32/Rapid City) really wants to give Secretary of State Jason Gant the heave-ho. Senator Adelstein called for the investigation and impeachment of our bumbling elections chief this summer. Attorney General Marty Jackley kept that investigation of his…

Senator Adelstein Presses for Investigation and Removal of Secretary Gant

Shortly before the Secretary of State Jason Gant announced the resignation of his politically toxic deputy Pat Powers, Senator Stan Adelstein released for public reading the following letter, which he sent to Attorney General Marty Jackley yesterday, July 5. The…