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Posts tagged as “statistics”

2014 Legislature Well Below Average in Proposing and Passing Bills

2014 Senate Smarter than House? The Legislative Research Council provides the 2014 Statistical Comparison, which tells us how our Legislature performed in passing bills compared to past performance. The following chart shows the number of bills floated and enacted in…

Note to Advertisers: Madville Times Is Your Best Investment

Let's compare web statistics for the website that claims to be South Dakota's #1 Political Web Site and the one that really is: Data: Disclaimers: Pat presents data from Site Meter. I present data from Stat Counter. Your mileage may…

South Dakota 39th in Energy Production, 8th in Consumption

The Energy Information Administration profiles energy production and consumption in each state. Some fast energy facts about South Dakota: South Dakota ranks 39th for energy production. We make 0.3% of America's energy. Minnesota produces twice that share and ranks 34th.…

K-12 Statistical Potpourri: Opt-Outs, Co-Curriculars, Staff, ACTs…

The Legislature's interim education committee received a wealth of information about South Dakota's K-12 system at its Wednesday meeting. Here's an assortment of numerical trivia about our public schools: Number of school districts opting out of property tax caps: 64.…

South Dakota Economic Development Chief Calls Texans Lazy

Our Governor Dennis Daugaard and Texas Governor Rick Perry both visited Connecticut this week to try luring gun manufacturers to relocate or expand their operations away from the tyranny and oppression of sensible and popular gun control laws. Knowing that…