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Posts tagged as “stimulus package”

Noem Votes to Make Stimulus Accountability Board Permanent

On April 25, Reo. Kristi Noem joined in a unanimous voice vote approving the "Digital Accountability and Transparency Act," which would make permanent the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's reporting and oversight board. What? You mean Kristi thinks something about…

Yes We Can Blame Bush for Deficit

President George W. Bush referred to his 2001 tax cuts as a "fiscal straitjacket for Congress." Alas, he never forced them to put it on. As President Barack Obama said last night, the Bush Administration and Congress put two wars…

Conservatives Already Seeing Through Kristi Noem Facade

All conservatives got with Kristi Noem was looks. Observers outside South Dakota are already seeing that, far from a true Tea Party crusader, Noem is just another pork-seeking farm-state politico. Take her comments on subsidies for ethanol: Speaking on the…