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Posts tagged as “taxes”

Bar, Restaurant Revenue Still Healthy Despite Smoking Ban

I'm reading up on South Dakota sales tax revenues (and how's your Sunday?). The December 2010 sales tax numbers show that, in the first full month of the new South Dakota indoor smoking ban, eating and drinking places saw 86.1…

Governor Daugaard’s Paradigm: Permanent Cuts, Passing the Buck

As I listen and re-listen to the highlights of Governor Dennis Daugaard's budget address, I hear some important sentences that tell us a lot about the governor's budgetary and political paradigm. There's an odd combination of not passing the buck…

Tax Increase Saves SD Unemployment Insurance

In ruling out tax increases as a remedy for our state budget deficit, Governor Dennis Daugaard has said that a recession is the worst time for raising taxes. I would agree that a recession makes it harder for workers and…

Sibby Steamed at Vehle, Republicans Propose Tax Hikes

I've been hard on Steve Sibson over the past few months. I kicked him out of my comment section when he started to sound obsessed with turning every discussion into a personal attack. Brief conspiracy theory: Maybe Koch Industries hands…

Daugaard to Recruit Illinois Tax Dodgers

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has signed into law a big increase in his state's income tax. The individual rate jumps from 3% to 5%, while the business rate rises from 4.8% to 7%. Illinois faces a budget deficit, just as…

SD Legislature Considers Fee/Tax Hikes

Our new Governor and most legislators say they won't raise taxes to cover South Dakota's budget shortfall. But the Legislative hopper is collecting a number of bills that would raise revenues by other means. House Bill 1016 amends the rules…

Lake County Database Lists Tax-Delinquent Properties

As the Madison Central School District works to persuade us to pay more taxes, let's take a look at who's behind on what they already owe. Lake County's new online property tax database lists the following taxpayers as having the…

Lake County Opens Searchable Property Tax Database

The Lake County website is showing clear signs of improvement. In recent months the county has started posting commission agendae and minutes (though five days after oaths, their webmaster still needs to update the commission chair and members). The county…