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Posts tagged as “technology”

It’s Dairy Month! Hooray for Corporations and Robots!

It's Dairy Month in South Dakota, wherein we celebrate an industry in which the pro-corporate policies of Bill Janklow, M. Michael Rounds, and Dennis Daugaard have concentrated ownership in just 370 hands. (Once upon a time, South Dakota had 20,000…

Bosworth Proves Obama Incentives for Electronic Health Records Work

I hate to call prospective (prospecting?) GOP Senate candidate Annette Bosworth a red-state moocher. I'm willing to embrace the idea that she became the first physician in South Dakota to meet new federal standards for the use of electronic health…

Pay Attention! Constant Online Activity Messes up Long-Term Memory

Speaking of technology and attention, here's a great video via Lifehacker on how we learn and how the constant stream of new stimuli from our computers and phones undermines our learning: When you let new items—e-mails, Tweets, texts, new Webpages…

Techno-Telepathy: You Do Not Want to Be the Borg

An interview on NPR Tuesday morning about the evolution of technology caught my attention with this opening: JOE PALCA, BYLINE: In the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation," the ultimate evil enemy threatening to destroy humanity was an alien…

Binders, Smart Phones, and Omniscience in the Classroom

During our professional development time at Spearfish High School yesterday, we discussed Susan Kruger's SOAR study skills program, which Spearfish HS will implement next school year. One of the key components of SOAR is a big binder in which students…

Harrisburg, Hanson Schools Recognized for Technology Efforts

The Harrisburg and Hanson school districts are among the best schools in the nation at integrating technology in education, according to a survey by the Center for Digital Education. Harrisburg placed fourth among mid-sized school districts (3,000-12,000 students), while Hanson…