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Posts tagged as “TransCanada”

State Dept. Draft Smiles on Keystone XL

I look up from my computer and see gales of snow blowing across my soggy yard and over whitecaps on the lake. The U.S. State Department appears to be getting snowed. The department has issued a supplemental environmental impact statement,…

Powertech Uranium Losing Loonies for Canadian Hedge Fund

I guess you can't blame a big hedge fund wheeler dealer for not having a seismograph. But, a Colorado website doing more to protect the Black Hills from the predations of irresponsible uranium mining than our own narrowly profit-minded…

State Dept. Says Keystone XL Needs More Environmental Review

South Dakotans rejoice! The U.S. State Department has wisely decided to subject TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline to a longer environmental review. That means at least a few months that we can delay even higher gasoline prices and toxic spills for…

TransCanada Responsible for High Gas Prices, But Not Its Own Oil?

Hat tip to Great Plains Tar Sands Pipelines! The South Dakota press remains silent on this story, but the Minneapolis Star-Tribune has picked up the story that TransCanada's Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline would raise fuel prices in the…

House Balks at Pipeline Tax, Misses Easy Money

Don't tax me, Don't tax thee, Tax the Canadians Behind the pipeline tree! Why is a pipeline tax so hard to pass? Most legislators are terrified that if they vote to raise property tax or sales tax or even whisper…

HB 1189: Pipeline Tax Rides Again!

Governor Daugaard insists that we can't raise taxes. He frets that taxes now could hinder economic growth, even though his 10% budget cuts could do even more damage to the South Dakota economy. So Governor Daugaard, tell us what's not…

TransCanada Follies: Sell to China, Co-Opt Enviromental Panel

A couple weeks ago, Plains Justice brought to my attention a persuasive argument that TransCanada's real customers for the tar sands oil it wants to ship across the prairie in the Keystone XL pipeline are not the Americans from whom…

HB 1177 Too Late to Block Eminent Domain for Keystone XL?

I am heartened to see a bipartisan team of legislators backing eminent domain reform in Pierre. House Bill 1177 would tighten the rules for private corporations trying to take South Dakotans' land for their use. The rules include requiring that…