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Posts tagged as “voting rights”

SB 65: South Dakota Moves to Give Corporations Direct Vote in Elections

Senate Bill 65 revises the rules for road district elections. Road districts are special governmental subdivisions authorized by South Dakota law to levy taxes and spend money to build and maintain roads outside of established municipalities. Road districts are formed…

SB 33: Gant Tries to Block Private Funding of Indian Voting Centers

Just when it looks like Jason Gant might be getting ready for a year of lame-duck decency, the Secretary of State he stinks up the legislative hopper with this side-attack on Indian voting rights. Bob Mercer notices that Secretary Gant…

HAVA Task Force Hears Affordable Satellite Voting Center Proposal

Four Directions continues to fight for American Indian voting rights in South Dakota. And yesterday, at a task force meeting in Pierre, instead of the obstruction and obfuscation dished out by Secretary of State Jason Gant last summer, Four Directions…

Gant’s Failures Can’t Be Erased by Much-hyped Military Voting Innovation

Secretary of State Jason Gant has gotten three full days of attention in South Dakota's largest newspaper for putting into effect a first-in-the-nation technological advancement that will help overseas military personnel more easily register to vote and secure absentee ballots.…

Krebs = Gant: No Voting Centers for Fort Thompson, Wanblee, Eagle Butte

Here's a concrete statement straight from Shantel Krebs showing she would work as hard as Secretary of State to suppress the Indian vote as current Disenfranchiser-in-Chief Jason Gant: One subject that’s been disputed recently is the request by some Native…

Commissioners Pekas, Barth Take Side of Justice in SDPAA Indian Intimidation

...Mayor Huether disappoints with legalisms. The South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance insures nearly 400 county, city, and other local governments. SDPAA is using its publicly funded clout to squeeze impoverished Lakota neighbors and intimidate uppity Indian voters who would dare…