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Posts tagged as “voting rights”

No Voter Registration in North Dakota… No Voter Fraud, Either!

Madville Times readers have engaged in spirited discussion of voter identification laws. Some of us worry that efforts like Minnesota's voter ID ballot measure will disenfranchise lower-income voters. Supporters of such restrictions express concern about voter fraud. North Dakota isn't…

Minnesota Republicans Put Voter ID Amendment on November Ballot

Our neighbors in Minnesota are likely to have on their November ballot a constitutional amendment to require voters to show photo ID at the polls. The Winona Daily News points out two relevant numbers: "The Minnesota Secretary of State's Office…

Election Recap: Progress in Principles, Not Material Things

Both Madison and Sioux Falls voted to spend big tax dollars on sports arenas last night. The victors in big government sports spending are bubbling with language of progress and moving forward. In Madison, at least, I find it difficult…

Colorado Secretary of State Makes Voting Harder for Overseas Soldiers

South Dakota's freshman Republican Secretary of State Jason Gant is making good use of federal money to protect the voting rights of soldiers and other American citizens living and working overseas. Gant's counterpart in Colorado, freshman Republican Secretary of State…