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Posts tagged as “welfare”

Finance Prof Finds Six Conservative Economic Arguments Mostly Wrong

If you're feeling economical this fine summer morning, read finance professor Noah Smith's evaluation of six major conservative arguments about the 2007–2009 recession and the recovery. Smith finds all six mostly wrong: Fannie, Freddie, and the Community Reinvestment Act caused…

Food Stamp Expansion Mitigates Wealth-Hoarding by “Job Creators”

In response to yesterday's post on Matt Varilek's proper support of food stamps (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP), I heard a Facebook commenter fulminate about the "crazy increase" in food stamp enrollment. Sure, more people are using food stamps,…

South Dakota Serious Crime Up 3.6% in 2011

Attorney General Marty Jackley has released the 2011 Crime in South Dakota report. AG Jackley says our crime stats show "that South Dakota remains a relatively safe place to live as a result of law enforcement efforts, strong community involvement,…

Republican Hypocrisy: Feed the Armed Forces, Starve the Kids

Gordon Howie's propaganda machine gripes and moans (again, linklessly! Why does South Dakota's right-wing blogosphere have to suck so badly?) that healthcare is a privilege, not a right attested in the Declaration of Independence. Maintaining a military presence in other…