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Posts tagged as “zoning”

Union County’s 2008 Rezoning for Hyperion Partially Illegal?

In my morning post on the collapse of Hyperion's Union County refinery plans, I hyperlinked to a September 24 article by Julie Ann Madden in the mighty Akron Hometowner that appeared to catch first wind that Hyperion was letting its…

Walt Bones, Educator? Try Secretary of Ag-Misinformation

Agriculture Secretary Walt Bones is boosting the state's propaganda effort to force local governments into line with the state's "Get Big or Get Out" ag-industrial policy. For years, South Dakota has given preferential treatment to massive concentrated animal feeding operations.…

Muslims Seek Mosque in Madison

...maybe they'd like to buy the Masonic temple... Rod Goeman brings to my attention an effort to establish Madison's first mosque (or perhaps more accurately, musalla... but more on that below). No, we're not talking fancy domes and minarets and…

Nunda Wind Project Blocked by Lack of Regulation

A few weeks ago, Shelli Gust helped me explain how the proposed update of Lake County's zoning ordinance actually increased land-use options. But 9.4% of the county electorate was more interested in poking fingers in various commissioners' eyes than in…

Area Arts Council Move Sparks Herman Incorporation Drive

The announcement that the Madison Area Arts Council is pulling up stakes and moving to Lake Herman has given momentum to a nascent municipal incorporation movement in Herman Township. Since resoundingly rejecting proposed county zoning ordinance revisions in a March…

Grant County Considers Reducing CAFO and Manure Setbacks

Apparently cow poop doesn't stink as much as it used to in Grant County. Last Tuesday the Grant County Planning and Zoning Board received from its study group a detailed recommendation for revising the county's regulations for concentrated animal feeding…

9.4% of Lake County Voters Reject Zoning Ordinance

Lake County residents are anarchists at heart... or at least 9.4% of us are. That's the percentage of the local electorate that showed up Tuesday to vote No on proposed revision of our zoning ordinance. 2.6% of our electorate (myself…

Blog Poll: Zoning Ordinance Draws Meager Interest, Might Pass

The latest Madville Times poll asked "Should Lake County voters approve the revised zoning ordinance?" Voters will answer this question at tomorrow's (Tuesday, March 15) special election. The online poll results suggest that whatever the outcome, it won't be decided…