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Posts published in April 2011

Memo to DENR: Your Rolodex Is Six Years Overdue for an Update

The Madison City Commission agenda for Monday's meeting includes a nice letter from the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources announcing Madison's wastewater treatment plant has received an award for running so well. "Only 81 facilities in the…

SDAP Using Facebook to Challenge Noem on Health Coverage and Education

Candidate Kristi Noem demonstrated noteworthy social media savvy at the start of her campaign for U.S. House last year. Now Steve Jarding and the South Dakota Alliance for Progress are fighting Facebook with Facebook—specifically, with online ads warning voters that…

GOP Blog Plays Favorites on “Campaign-Style Mail”

Earlier this month, an elected official sent a letter to constituents that, in one sentence, takes credit for a public works project. The letter directs recipients to contact another official, the project manager, with questions. The letter is on official…

Noem Follows Usual PAC Money Path to DC Insider Status

43% of Congresswoman Kristi Noem's nearly $400K first-quarter fundraising haul came from PACs, including $3000 from Exxon Mobil PAC (ah, so that explains...). Pretty impressive for an intern! But what happened to Kristi the outsider? Same as usual, says Dave… Rouses Angry Anonymous Bashing

Supporters of the Yankton school district's $4.2-million opt-out are rousing some healthy political debate online with their Facebook page. Folks in Huron are throwing some stiffer political punches online over the mayoral recall drive. is chronicling the petition drive,…

Huron Mayor Recall Brings Left-Right Harmony

The petition drive to recall Huron mayor Dave McGirr is seeing its own expression of the occasional left-right synergy between Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. Huronians are seeking to oust Mayor McGirr as punishment for suspending former police chief Doug…

Online Map Helps Find Your Nearest Bad Bridge

Hat tip to Nathan Johnson! Earlier this month, I mentioned South Dakota's dilapidating bridges. Since then, I haven't heard stories of any bridges collapsing and sending folks into the drink. Whew! But if you'd like to know where you or…