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Deesltra Extends Remarks, Offers More Forceful Rejection of Referred Law 16

Yesterday I noted that Rep. Bob Deelstra (R-9/Hartford) wasn't exactly crowing on his website about his willingness to buck the Governor and vote against House Bill 1234 last winter. That bill now faces warranted death by public vote as Referred Law 16. On his "Ballot Issues" page, Rep. Deelstra gave RL16 two fine-print sentences: "This is the education reform law. I oppose this law." He placed this statement below a much larger exposition on his support for Referred Law 14, the Governor's corporate welfare bill.

Lo and behold! Rep. Deelstra has updated his Ballot Issues page to give a fuller (though still smaller fonted!) account of his opposition to bad education policy. Let me increase that font size for you:

I voted against HB1234 both times and I will not be supporting on the November Ballot.

As a State Representative it is one of responsibilities to listen intently to my constituents. My opposition to this bill was in part based on the will of my constituents. I rely upon the people that I voted for who are members of the school board, I have an excellent professional relationship with these locally elected experts in education. Each school board knows what is in the best interest of their school. I am sure you have heard many things about HB1234 I however would encourage a "no" vote. In addition to my no vote on HB1234 I would prefer to see our budget surplus go to where we reduced government spending in the 2011 session [Bob Deelstra, "Ballot Issues," campaign website, retrieved October 24, 2012].

And that Sioux Falls paper endorses Rep. Steve Hickey, who does the exact opposite on Referred Law 16? I'm glad that Sioux Falls paper also endorsed former teacher and good Democrat Paula Hawks, but if you support schools, you pick Deelstra well before you pick Hickey.

By the way, Deelstra also added to his text on Referred Law 14, citing his experience in promoting economic development on the Hartford City Council. Alas, I'm not sure that paragraph adds to his argument on Referred Law 14, since the existence of local economic development successes do not justify the unaccountable redistribution of contractors' excise dollars to corporate fat-cats that RL 14 will wreak on our taxpayers.