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Posts tagged as “Dennis Daugaard”

Republican Relativism Uncool, Say Blogger and Pastor

In the noteworthy philosophical juxtaposition of the week, my friend Leo Kallis discovers the real reason for Governor Dennis Daugaard's disdain for philosophy: the Governor has admitted that he is a moral relativist... or as he would have been known…

Pay Teachers to Solve Shortage? Yikes! Legislators Change the Subject

I can hear the conversation in Pierre: We're short on teachers, and folks going to expect better pay... quick! Blow smoke! South Dakota’s superintendents say schools are struggling to fill open positions mainly because of low teacher pay, while policymakers…

Wismer Climbing from Deep Hole; Beat Daugaard with Minimum-Wage Support!

Governing doesn't think anyone watched Rep. Susan Wismer at the Dakotafest debate and said yesterday that Governor Dennis Daugaard will cruise to victory in November. The new Survey USA poll commissioned by KSFY, KOTA, and AAN agrees, pegging Daugaard at…

Daugaard Wants Crop Insurance to Boost Pheasants; Why Not Grasslands?

Big Ag crowds out pheasants. To restore pheasant numbers and protect South Dakota's shotgun tourism season, Governor Dennis Daugaard proposes more Big Ag, backed with more big government subsidies: "Winter wheat is probably one of the best habitats for pheasants,…

More Citizens Driven to Public Assistance Under Rounds and Daugaard

For more on the Rounds-Daugaard legacy, we turn to Todd Epp, who cites Census figures to report that the number and percentage of South Dakotans receiving public assistance since 2000 has gone up: In 2000, an estimated 4,078 South Dakotans…

Tsitrian: Wismer Should Remain on GOAC to Ask EB-5/NBP Questions

What?! Nobody brought up the EB-5/Northern Beef Packers scandal at the State Fair gubernatorial debate? My belief is beggared! Debate sponsor Farmers Union is clearly showing its organizational bias toward Republicans, obviously shielding Governor Dennis Daugaard from questions about his…