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Posts tagged as “participation”

Madison Considers Creating Energy Advisory Committee

Hey! Jerry Heckenliable! If you're still torqued about Madison's high electric rates, you should get on this committee! At tonight's meeting, the Madison City Commission will consider creating an "Energy Advisory Committee." The proposed committee's portfolio would include the following…

Keystone XL Comments Close Tonight! Read Up, Speak Up!

Last call for comments on Keystone XL! The U.S. State Department is taking public comment on TransCanada's proposed tar sands oil pipeline until midnight tonight. Click here to submit your comment online. As you submit those final comments, consider the…

State Dept. Takes Public Comment on Keystone XL in Pierre Thursday

The State Department is conducting public meetings up and down the Great Plains on the proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline. Secretary Clinton's people will hold their South Dakota meeting this Thursday, September 29, 2011, at the Pierre Ramkota,…

New Madison High School Facility Committee Meets Wednesday

Steam Train A-Comin'? Among its actions at last week's monthly meeting, the Madison Central School Board revealed the names of its new High School Facility Committee. The nifty nine: Administrators: superintendent Vince Schaefer, HS principal Sharon Knowlton, activities director Bud…

Forest Service Seeks Public Input on Black Hills Pine Beetle Plan

MPBRP—that's the sound I made last night after eating salads made with bacon, sausage, and salami. MPBRP is also the Mountain Pine Beetle Response Project the Forest Service is proposing to take care of those pesky pine beetles in the…

Noem Staffer Taking Comment at Mitchell Perkins Thursday, 9:30 a.m.

Congresswoman Kristi Noem hasn't posted a new public event on her official web page since May 20. But when she gets done voting the way Speaker Boehner tells her today, perhaps South Dakota's lone Congresswoman will have some time to…