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Tea Party Torqued at Noem, Boehner, GOP Wienies

Last updated on 2011.03.23

I feel like Emperor Palpatine watching Luke Teawalker kick the crap out of Darth Boehner. Good—I can feel your anger.... Or maybe I'm channeling the Koch brothers....

I have read U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem's justification for not doing what she was sent to Washington to do. Now the House majority whip is on television telling us a tale of woe: "The president is not leading." "Democrats did not pass a budget." "The vice president left the country." Will someone please lead?

All spending bills must come from the lower house, not the executive. Noem apparently fails to realize current Republican leadership is the same that lost Congress in 2006. If this conduct doesn't change soon, they and she will lose it again in 2012 [Dan Richer, letter to the editor, Rapid City Journal, 2011.03.22].


Tea Party Patriots leaders called on members and supporters on Wednesday to hold "a Continuing Revolution Rally" next Thursday outside the Capitol to underscore their disappointment with House Republicans over Washington's ongoing budget battles.

...the Tea Party Patriots' e-mail lists a number of grievances that appear to especially single out newly elected House Republicans. Those complaints include:

  • ..."We sent them there to make tough decisions, to be leaders, and yet they are timidly passing mediocre spending reforms as if they are avoiding conflict with the Democrats."
  • "We sent them there to be BOLD and yet their actions are showing otherwise [Billy House, "Miffed at GOP, Tea Party Group Plans a Capitol Protest," National Journal, 2011.03.23].

Prediction: These cranky Teabaggers will be so mad that they'll challenge Boehner, Noem, and other timid, mediocre Republicans in the 2012 primary, win half of those challenges, and then Angle their way to a hard November defeat that hands South Dakota's Congressional seat and the House majority back to the Democrats.

Now if I could just get that blue lightning to shoot out of my fingertips....


  1. Tony Amert 2011.03.24

    I'm disillusioned with everyone right now. I voted for Obama primarily because he said he would get us out of wars and now he is starting up number 3. The republicans annoy me to no end because they just spew pointless rhetoric. Their recent focus on "pork" for example. Even if we eliminated it all we would only decrease the budget by 0.5%. They just seem incapable of seeing the big picture. I honestly don't care who is running the show anymore. I wonder if tea party members feel similarly frusterated.

  2. mike 2011.03.24

    That is a pretty harsh letter. Why would that guy think it's a good idea to shut the government down and cancel social security checks for thousands of seniors?

    Noem is obviously playing it safe but she can't shut the government down and then not expect to end up compromising with the Dems anyway. This is all stupid stuff and those tea partiers will cost her a senate seat in 2014 if they keep up that loony stuff.

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