You think I've been hard on Republicans today? Pat Powers is so disgusted with his fellow Republicans that he interrupted his usual lazy Sunday press releases to write his own blog post to blast Rep. Elizabeth May (R-27/Pine Ridge) and…
Posts tagged as “Republicans”
The South Dakota House showed a little common sense yesterday and killed House Bill 1206, which would have allowed individuals to carry concealed weapons on our public university campuses. But some Republicans couldn't let that happen without exposing their contempt…
South Dakota Senate Republicans yesterday declared that neither young people's labor nor the popular will matter when they want to cut business a break. On a party-line 26–7 vote, the Senate yesterday passed Senate Bill 177 which would set the…
The Pennington County Republicans send me their list of committee chairs for the 2015–2016 term: Membership: Burton Sly Events: David Fisk Media: David Johnson Bylaws and Ethics: David Johnson Technical Director: Doug Dlugosz Fundraising: Perry and Gretchen Strombeck Hill City…
Friend and blogger Don Carr has pointed out the scientific disconnect Senator John Thune and other tools of the plutocracy exhibit in their embrace of scientific evidence to defend genetically modified crops and their rejection of scientific evidence to fight…
While South Dakota Republicans chip away at the initiative and referendum, South Dakota Democrats are trying to protect the will of the people. Every Democrat in the South Dakota Legislature is backing House Bill 1175, a measure to insulate ballot…
Voters, the Republican campaign to overturn your will on the minimum wage has begin. Today, Representative Jim Bolin (R-16/Canton) filed House Bill 1094, which would repeal one small provision of the minimum-wage increase that you wrote into law by passing…
Gordon Howie says the face of tyranny is right here in South Dakota, with one-party rule corrupting the South Dakota Republican Party and state government. Yet like Cardinal Raymond Burke blaming feminists for pedophile priests, Howie blames Democrats for Republican…