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Posts published in April 2011

Project Maps Community Broadband Networks

The Institute for Local Self-Reliance (there's a group Governor Daugaard should read up on!) has mapped community-owned broadband networks across the country: South Dakota gets two markers on the map: Municipal Telephone and Cablevision in Beresford and Swiftel in South…

Candidates Forum Audience Looking Good — Videos Coming!

The crowd at tonight's candidates' forum at Madison High School, not counting candidates, was around 35 when emcee Jon Knuths called us to order. The crowd got bigger as the evening went on. When the school board candidates took the…

Candidates’ Forum Tonight: Any Questions?

It's T-minus two hours until the big democracy show tonight here in Madison, as the three Madison City Commission candidates and the five Madison Central school board candidates will take the lectern to answer your questions. If you have questions…

Lake Herman Over Half Open!

Lake Herman froze over on November 22; 132 days later, northerly gales swept back over half of the rotten ice. Here's the view this morning from my favorite western shore: We're a little behind last year, when the lake was…

Ryan Would End Medicare and Medicaid: Where’s Noem?

Remember last year when Kristi Noem said she thought privatizing Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security were a good place to start with cutting the federal budget? Remember when she denied she ever said any such thing once pressed on the…

Bird Lovers, Federal Regulations Kill Xcel ND Wind Project

While Dakota War College is busy flogging the tired Michele Bachmann meme of light-bulb oppression and regurgitating central party agitprop, it misses a chance to beat greenies over the head with their own greeniness. Xcel Energy just announced that it…

Sweet Corn Big, Onions Up, Veggies Down

I noted yesterday that the USDA predicts big growth in acres planted to corn. My tomato-minded friend Matt asked about the outlook for his garden (always thinking about tomatoes, perhaps to toss at me during the candidates' forum tonight!). The…

Candidate Shawn Miller Says Board Has Lost Public Trust

After last week's Madison Central school board meeting, board member Steve Nelson approached me under the guise of seeking my input. I quickly realized from his lack of listening that his questions were just a pretense for justifying the board's…