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Posts published in April 2011

USDA Prediction: South Dakota up to Ears in Corn

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service has put out the Propsective Plantings report for 2011. Corn will be popping... if the fields ever dry out. The NASS predicts farmers nationally will increase corn acres 4.5%, wheat 8.2%, and cotton 15%.…

OTA Lesson: Hierarchy Is Dead; Long Live Collaboration!

...and come to Howard! I spent my Friday energizing my brain at the OTA Sessions in Sioux Falls. It was a sprawling, multi-headed hydra of an event, with activities ranging from practical advice on social media and content generation to…

OFA Summer Organizer Program Apps Due April 18

Ask not what your country can do for you... Do you dig democracy? Do you care about community? Do you dread the destruction the GOP will wreak if they win in 2012? Then you should sign up for the Summer…

Save Madison School Budget with Payday Shift?

The Madison Central School District faces a $360,000 reduction in state aid in the coming fiscal year, thanks to Governor Dennis Daugaard and Senator Russell Olson (who thought an even bigger cut would have been "a good idea"). If we…

More South Dakota Programs Kristi Will Cut

In two press interviews within 24 hours, Congresswoman Kristi Noem (R-SD) was asked directly what specific programs she would cut to reduce the federal budget deficit. In both interviews, one with the Mitchell Daily Republic, and one with Fox News,…

Yankton School Board Race: More Info, Web Work…

...and the kiss of death: a Madville Times endorsement! The Displaced Plainsman draws my attention to the school board race in Yankton. They have four people duking it out for one seat—brave souls! I thought maybe they'd have to have…

Noem Has No Idea What She’s Cutting

Kristi Noem made her infacility with policy details clear to me at the State Fair debate last summer. Now Congresswoman Noem is making her talking-point emptiness clear to the press. Seth Tupper of the Mitchell Daily Republic raps Rep. Noem…

Minnesota Taxes Business Less Than South Dakota Does

I'm surprised I didn't see this study sooner. I'm not surprised that salesman-in-chief Dennis Daugaard hasn't mentioned it. Jeff Rosenberg of MNPublius spotlights a study on state and local business taxes by Ernst and Young for the Council on State…