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Posts published in April 2011

Hyperion Refinery: Still No Domestic Market

Blog neighbor Doug Maurstad continues to marvel at the shifting stories from the Hyperion windbags who claim they can build a profitable oil refinery in his beloved Union County. He says that instead of supporting Texas pipe dreams, we'd be…

Daugaard Challenges Teabag Health Care Referral

There are two referral movements afoot in South Dakota. Democrats are gathering signatures to refer Governor Dennis Daugaard's economic development grant program (also known as futile corporate welfare) to a public vote in 2012. Teabaggers are gathering signatures to refer…

Driver License Rules Easier for RVers Than Long-Time Residents

Last week I mentioned how the cost of obtaining a driver license may make requiring a photo ID to vote unconstitutional. Sunday, a neighbor from Wilmot gave me a ring and reinforced my concerns by pointing out how hard it…

This Guy Died: You Might Too! Buy Insurance!

And from the Tacky Marketing Department, this unpleasant juxtaposition on the Madison Daily Leader's SD-AP feed: At least it wasn't an ad for a local funeral home....

Intern Noem’s Online Course: Just an Expensive Piece of Paper?

...can't be: there is no paper! Kristi Noem's internship for credit in Washington is raising some eyebrows. Perhaps we might also inquire about the value of the online political science course she is taking. Education expert Diane Ravitch mentions online…

Salesman-in-Chief Daugaard Won’t Cut Dairy Promotion

At peril of making my friend Kelsey angrier, an eager reader from my vast dairy audience (you'd be surprised) draws my attention to an April 11 Dairy Star interview with "hardscrabble dairy farm" boy turned Governor Dennis Daugaard. His grandparents…