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Real Hubris: Cain, Santorum, Bachmann Claim Divine Right

The right-wingnuts like to manufacture quips about President Barack Obama's purported hubris.

Correct me if my memory fails, but I don't recall Barack Obama ever claiming that God told him to run for President. Right-wingnut favorites Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann all have. That, says LK, is real hubris:

I'm not a theologian, but I have a difficult time understanding how the Being who created and sustains the universe that humans inhabit needs the help of a mere mortal to lead one nation on one small planet in one galaxy among millions of galaxies. Further, claiming that God has called them to a higher purpose implies that they are uniquely blest because God has called them. In a perverse way, each claims to deserve glory and power because God has said so.

...In doing so, they make themselves laughingstocks and exhibit profound hubris [LK, "Will Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann Please Stop Dishonoring God!" The Displaced Plainsman, 2011.06.11].

Remember: in Greek mythology, hubris included the idea of defying the gods.

I understand that Republicans have enjoyed success in recent decades marketing themselves as the party of Jesus. But at some point, a nation founded by folks who fled divine right of kings in Europe must see through the hubris of our own petty would-be kings claiming God is handing them the sceptre.

* * *

But maybe LK and I are wrong. Maybe The Lord really is whispering to three different Republicans, "Run." In that case, The Almighty is apparently a lot like me: we both love primaries.


  1. Bob Ellis 2011.06.12

    It would be pretty odd for Barack Obama to claim that God told him to run for president. After all, Obama's words and deeds have made it clear that the only supernatural being he listens to is Satan.

    Genuine Christians, on the other hand, seek guidance from God as to what they should do and how they should live their lives. And if they sincerely seek that guidance and listen for the still, small voice of God, they usually find that guidance.

    I also wouldn't counsel listening to anything this LK person has to say, since it's pretty obvious LK hasn't been trying to listen to what God has to say--through the Spirit OR through his written Word.

    God has a purpose for your life, too, Cory, and it's far better than what you're wasting it on now. Why don't you stop listening to Satan (yes, you're listening to him whether you realize it or not--your words and deeds make it obvious) and start listening to your Creator.

    God may very well want to put the talents and energy you have to use making the world (starting with South Dakota) a better place, instead of trying to point people toward the same old failed ideas and immoralities.

    Consider surrendering your life to Christ. He has so much better planned for you than you could ever dream. But he won't force it on you. It has to be your choice. Will you choose right?

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.06.12

    I never surrender! And I can dream very, very big. So, apparently, can you, if you honestly think President Barack Obama worships Satan.

  3. LK 2011.06.12


    I will do my best live Philippians 2:12 whether you tell people to listen to me or not. By the way, the people who recommended Platt's Radical, the book that prompted my post, are all evangelicals

  4. Douglas Wiken 2011.06.12

    Ellis is truly full of it.

    Heavenly spirit of course.

  5. Guy 2011.06.12

    I will not mock Bob Ellis if that is what you truly believe Bob, but, I do respectfully disagree. I do not believe Bob, you can make a righteous judgement concerning Barack Obama or the others when you have 1) never walked in thier shoes, 2) you have no real knowledge of what is in their hearts, and 3) only the Lord knows whats is in their hearts besides them. Alas, it is between God and them and God did not grant Mr. Ellis special favor or authority to judge their hearts. Thats is unrighteous judgement and warrants no credibility if it is an attempt to be passed off as "fact". In other words, it's just your opinion Bob and I will leave it at that.

  6. David Newquist 2011.06.12

    If you call yourself Christian:
    Do not speak evil against one another, brothers and sisters. Whoever speaks evil against another or judges another, speaks evil against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one law giver and judge, who is able to save and destroy. So who, then, are you to judge your neighbor?
    James 4.11-12.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.06.13

    Did you notice nothing Bob said refuted the idea that Cain, Santorum, Bachmann, and anyone else claiming God's anointment to seek political office are violating pretty clear Christian principles? Bob's tack mirrors how Cain, Santorum, and Bachmann are using false Christian piety to win votes and distract us from talking about the bad policies they actually stand for.

  8. Curtis Loesch 2011.06.13

    Bob, you GENUINE CHRISTIAN you, of course your GOD has given you insight that tells you Barack HUSSAIN Obama speaks directly to and takes orders from SATAN.
    You have a right to your opinions. My ungod-given opinion is your opinions about God, Satan and Obama are STUPID (I had to choose between stupid and moronic, choosing stupid because of the negative connotation moronic has to describing the developmentally disabled).

    I rejected genuine christianity, at least your brand, chapter and verse, long ago because I realized people who spouted most and loudest, claiming knowledge about GOD's WILL this and DIVINE BLA, BLA, BLA were/are BIG HYPOCRITES.

    I think hypocrites are stupid, because they may not consciously realize that they too fall short of the understanding of the glory of whoever it is that runs the universe. If pushed, I might resort to calling hypocracy a sub-genre of EVIL. I recall reading somewhere in the Bible, or learning in Sunday School, deception comes from SATAN...
    ... Have a nice day.

  9. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.06.13

    Curtis, note that you don't have to reject Christianity to reject Bob's, Herman's, Rick's, or Michele's self-serving misinterpretations thereof.

  10. george 2011.06.13

    Wow! Thats why I come to this website. Lively discussion.

  11. Jana 2011.06.14

    Bob? You OK? Hey, disagreements good for discussion. Seriously Bob, are you OK?

  12. Curtis Loesch 2011.06.14

    Cory, I did not intend to imply I reject Christ's teaching and ethics, just the rampant hypocrisy of many of those who proclaim their so-called Christian values for selfish political ends.

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