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Posts tagged as “Rick Santorum”

Santorum Tells Rounds “Middle Class” Is Marxist Talk

South Dakota GOP Senate candidate Marion Michael Rounds went to Iowa last week to rub shoulders with Rick Santorum. The Displaced Plainsman notes that Rounds got to hear Santorum brand Ronald Reagan and every honest demographer in America a Marxist:…

Rounds Presses Flesh with Rick Santorum — Yikes!

South Dakota defenders of religious liberty, science, women's rights, and comprehensible speeches, here's something to worry about: Great night with Rick Santorum @RoundsforSenate — Jason Glodt (@JasonGlodt) August 9, 2013 That's U.S. Senate candidate Marion Michael Rounds backslapping with…

Santorum Supports Telling Non-Christians to Leave America

Please spare me the "War on Christianity" baloney. I'm not out there arguing Christians have no place in making in America greater. My fellow atheists, as well as American Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists aren't telling Christians to get with our…

Daugaard Oil-Lust Increases Risk of Terrorist Attacks in South Dakota

Governor Dennis Daugaard is promoting petro-exploitation in South Dakota with his Oil and Gas Initiative. Meanwhile, Rick Santorum swings wide and tells North Dakotans that their development of the Bakken oil fields means Iran might nuke 'em: Rick Santorum warned…

Santorum Beats up Romney on Health Care Mandate

In the GOP debate in Jacksonville, Florida, Rick Santorum beat the snot out of Mitt Romney on one of the biggest policy issues fueling the persistent if frustrated Not-Romney vote: health care. Pressed by Santorum, Romney made clear that if…