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Kristi Noem: Question My Talking Points, and You’re a Liar

Congresswoman Kristi Noem held a stinker of a phone chat with reporters on Thursday. Noem's parroting of talking points moved journalist Denise Ross to write the kind of direct criticism of an elected official that we don't seem to hear much of from the South Dakota press:

I've cringed a few times during her conference calls as the unfiltered talking points are rolled out. A few weeks ago, she complained about Obama's and the Dems' proposal (or, perhaps, a plan?) to raise taxes on "those who are struggling." As far as I know, the only proposals for raising taxes are aimed at those who are decidedly NOT struggling.

...With the safety of incumbency fading, newbies like Noem simply cannot parrot talking points and expect to survive. And complaining that politics is unfair won't garner any sympathy [Denise Ross, "Noem: Dems Radio Ad 'Lies'," Republic Insider, 2011.07.15].

The complaining to which Ross refers is Noem's whining about the South Dakota Democratic Party's new ad criticizing Noem for voting to privatize Medicare and cut incentives for farmers and ethanol while voting to protect tax breaks for multi-millionaires and big oil companies. Noem's response?

Everything they're attacking me on is false and lies... It's not fair to be spreading untruths. One thing I told South Dakotans I would do is offer solutions and always tell them the truth [Rep. Kristi Noem, quoted in Ross, 2011.07.15].

Even Ross can't resist noting that's two things.

But listen to the desperation in Noem's voice. Everything, every criticism about her, is a lie. But review the transcript of the ad she was asked about. Every statement is true:

  • "Kristi Noem voted for the Republican budget that will end Medicare as we know it." Despite Noem's incredible and ceaseless spin, true.
  • "...seniors will have to pay over six thousand more for the same coverage." True.
  • "The Republicans want to cut Medicare and still give tax cuts to multi-millionaires." True.
  • "She didn't say she was going to do any of this during the election." True (unless you count her May 11, 2010, expression of support for Paul Ryan's budget, which she denied when pressed in August.)
  • "Kristi Noem also voted to cut incentives for South Dakota farmers and Ethanol producers...." True (although she has resisted calls from the right and the left for further cuts).
  • "...she wants to keep billion dollar tax cuts for oil companies." True.

Noem is calling facts lies. She is calling those of us who mention those facts liars. Top off those desperate cries with Noem's continued inability to offer specific policy solutions ("change the spending spree culture"? "put our economy on the path to recovery"? How, Kristi? How?), and you see a Congresswoman clearly not up to demands of the job 48% of us elected her to do.


  1. Bob Ellis 2011.07.17

    You don't hear this kind of criticism much from the South Dakota press because until this year, 2/3 of the SD delegation was on the side of the SD press.

    It must really stink to see all these years of working for a glorious socialist revolution now beginning to come crashing down in unsustainability. It doesn't stink for real Americans who like to be free, who like to make decisions for themselves and run their own lives, but for those of you who wanted to see a regressive system of elites telling Americans what to do, it must really give you a bad feeling in the pit of your gut.

    Get used to it. More of that freedom you loathe so much is on the way...

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.17

    Yawn. Predictable, Bob. Dredge up your usual distractions, avoid the issue. It must be hard to have to defend Noem, because she gives you nothing defensible. Just like Noem, you scream "Lies!" or "Socialism!" or some other non-responsive nonsense.

    You know full well it's silly to say I loathe freedom. I do loathe the freedom with which desperate spin, distortion, demonization, and vague generalities flow from Noem's mouth.

    Ellis has offered no response to the meat of the charges above, that Noem has claimed many true statements are lies and had branded many truth-telling South Dakotans liars. Anyone else care to take a swing at the real issues?

  3. larry kurtz 2011.07.17

    Thank you for helping NewsCorpse die a slow and painful death, Bob. You rock!

  4. Guy 2011.07.17

    Bob, I don't get it and you are free to point out how much and why you believe that I don't get it, but, you seem to be very angry in your latest comment on this post. Bob, I'm not saying that you have to agree with anything Corey or I have to say and you do not have to politically compromise on any of your principles that you strongly believe in. What I will ask is this and I have no other motives in my heart when I ask it: why do some of your responses hide a deep hostility toward thy neighbors?

  5. mike 2011.07.17
    On the 07/05 episode of 100 EYES ON SOUTH DAKOTA POLITICS (at 22:20 into video) someone asked Johnathon Ellis and Patrick Lalley to name specific cuts Noem wants to make and neither could answer. They struggled with the question for about 2 minutes. I recommend all watch this clip. I've seen the show a couple times on rerun and it's an entertaining look at politics and a good service for SD. Ellis and Lalley do a good job but I would like to see more hard pointed reporting from a lot of reporters in our state.

  6. mike 2011.07.17

    All I can say is kudos the the Mitchell Daily Republic. The RCJ and Argus need to step up and hold ALL elected officials feet to the fire. (you don't have to be mean or political to ask tough questions)

    I don't want bias but I want tough quesitons.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.17

    Mike: hear hear!

    Guy: Bob's angry because his chosen pony runs so badly that his only defense is to try getting us angry about other issues. Let's focus our anger on the Congresswoman's baseless use of the L-word and her inability to offer specific policy solutions.

  8. Bill Fleming 2011.07.17

    Guy, hide? Ellis's seething, all-consuming spite, dread, and loathing of his fellow man is uniformly and consistently palpable. If he's not all about fear and hate, he's not about anything. They are his stock and trade. Sad, actually.

  9. Lorri May 2011.07.17

    Bob Ellis posts frequently in response to Cory's blog, but only once each blog. He's like the 5th grader I taught who would step in, stir up the shit, then back off and watch everyone else get worked up. His hateful responses of "Socialism!" and "Marxism!" get really old really fast. *yawn*

  10. Bill Fleming 2011.07.17

    Yup, a drive-by flamer.

  11. mike 2011.07.17

    I wish there was audio to go with these calls... I would really like to hear what is discussed amongst Noem and the reporters during the conference calls.

  12. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.17

    And it occurs to me Bob's comment is patently silly: The local press has rarely issued any such frank critique of John Thune since his ascent to the Senate in 2005... has it? If the criticism of Noem is unusual, it is not because the South Dakota press is uniquely liberal; it is because Noem is uniquely bad.

  13. mike 2011.07.17

    My personal opinion is that Herseth took the SD Media for granted.

    And Tim Johnson is not very accessible.

    That leaves Thune and Noem. Let's face it Thune went unchallenged for a reason so he's earned the media's bias a little.

    Noem seeks out the media about everything because she's needed them from her first day on the scene in February 2010. She needs them and she wants to win in 2012 and be a US Senator in 2014. She probably goes out of her way to be accessible and shoot the breaze with certain reporters.

    I don't think Herseth was ever very accessible like Daschle was or Johnson before his accident.

    Now the media has kind of become fond of Noem and lost their objective view.

    Or maybe all of the reporters just find Noem attractive and fall under her spell when she speaks to them...

  14. Troy Jones 2011.07.20

    One person's "truth" is another person's "lies." The facts are facts but when they are presented with spin and hyperbole, they can cease to be facts.

    So let's reduce the "facts" to facts:

    1) Kristi Noem voted for the Republican budget that will "change (vs. end) Medicare as we know it. Virtually nobody in Congress denies Medicare requires reform or it will go bankrupt. Any reform will "end Medicare as we know it." Thus, only those who deny it needs reform are not for reform and a broad majority support reform.

    2) “seniors will have to pay over six thousand more for the same coverage.” This is false as it implies "all seniors." Not all seniors only those who because of their economic means have their premiums and deductibles adjusted.

    3) “The Republicans want to cut Medicare and still give tax cuts to multi-millionaires.” Not in context. Supporting reform of Medicare is separate from supporting policies they believe will stimulate job growth (and additional revenue for Medicare). To pit seniors against the unemployed is hyperbolic.

    3) “She didn’t say she was going to do any of this during the election.” She actually did say she'd make tough decisions to reform entitlements, balance the budget, not increase taxes, etc. If she held a different position, the accusation of "flip flopper" would be alot more accurate.

    4) “Kristi Noem also voted to cut incentives for South Dakota farmers and Ethanol producers….” Kinda ironic you'd make this point since you have called for even more cuts. This said, I'm not sure this position is unpopular in South Dakota so I guess even without context if you want to make this charge, go for it.

    5) “…she wants to keep billion dollar tax cuts for oil companies.” Oil companies are subject to the same rates as other companies. What you are talking about are tax treatment of certain items regarding depreciation of reserves and exploration/development expenses. Like it or not, a cessation of this tax treatment would have an immediate effect on domestic production and development, increasing dependence on foreign sources, worsen the trade deficit, devalue the dollar further, increase unemployment, and result in an immediate regressive "tax" at the pump adversely affecting every American (even the poor).

    So, because the ads are contextually misleading, they are not truthful. This said, this charge can be made about nearly every political ad. I have every confidence the voters will recognize this and for this reason I hope the Democrat party mortgages the house and farm running these ads.

  15. larry kurtz 2011.07.20

    So, in other words, Mr. Jones: Mrs. Noem is really just another Misleading Ironic Lying Flip-flopper?

  16. Stephen J. Robb 2011.07.28

    I really enjoy just dropping in on a liberal site just o see what insanity they are up to at the time.
    Kristi Noem is up front....honest....and to the point.
    I guess after listening to the Obama/Progressive lies and coverups all day on is hard for you to grasp the concept.
    As you can see...I also like to leave my "droppings" in liberal forums.
    Stephen J. Robb

  17. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.28

    Thanks for dropping by, Stephen... but none of your standard anti-liberal obfuscation clarifies why Noem's blanket dismissal of every criticism as lies is anything other than a desperate dodge of pretty honest statements about her voting record.

    (p.s.: I don't watch MSNBC. We don't even have cable.)

  18. troy jones 2011.07.29

    They are not honest presentation of her record. they are hyperbolic half truths which by definition are lies.

  19. Stephen J. Robb 2011.07.29

    Thank you caheidelberger...
    I approve of her voting record and the Democrats DO have a way to twist things into an attack.
    They (you?) did it to Palin and HER FAMILY and they are beginning the same tactic with Bachmann.
    Methodology: If you can't argue with them....destroy them with half-truths and rhetoric.
    Also...All conservative women are ugly stupid [XXXXXX].....Unlike our beautiful sweethearts....Janeane Garofalo and Rosie O'Donnell (smirk)...and geniuses...Maxine Waters and Nancy (pass-it-so-we-can-see-what's-in-it) Pelosi.

  20. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.29

    Stephen, you exemplify a common blog-troll problem: you come shouting about your favorite bogeymen instead of discussing the actual arguments made by the actual person here. You try to make me into a they and thus think you can argue with the shouting in your head rather than what I'm actually saying. Dunk your head, then review my actual claims:

    1. Noem responds to criticism with the very desperate-sounding statement, "Everything they’re attacking me on is false and lies." She offers no details to explain why those statements are lies, just makes accusations and hopes people believe her (rather like you do here).

    2. Medicare as we know it is a federal program. Noem voted to turn it into a private voucher program. That means by the time I retire, Medicare would not look at all like Medicare today. I can say without hyperbole (Troy) that Noem voted to end Medicare as we know it.

    3. The plan Noem voted for raises out-of-pocket costs for Medicare recipients.

    4. Noem wants to cut Medicare but keep tax cuts for the rich (where's the hyperbole there, Troy?)

    5. Noem has voted to protect subsidies for oil companies (still no hyperbole).

    6. Noem has voted to reduce incentives for ethanol (which may actually be a good idea... but right or wrong, the charge is true).

    7. Noem didn't tell voters these plans during the election.

    Stephen, you are welcome to discuss these issues. But Rosie O'Donnell has absolutely no bearing on the truth or falsehood of what I said above. Turn down Rush/Glenn/whatever you listen to, and pay attention to the real people here.

  21. Steve Sibson 2011.07.29


    "tax cuts for the rich" is a lie and hype.

    When are we going to learn that both parties are for the rich becoming richer? Instead of all of this useless arguing, why can't we stop and figure out how the rich get richer thru big government, and then put a stop to it.

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