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Posts published in August 2011

68% More Same-Sex Couples in South Dakota; My Marriage Still Fine

The Rapid City Journal reports that, over the last decade, the number of self-identified same-sex couples increased 68% in South Dakota, from 826 in 2000 to 1390 in 2010. In Rapid City, same-sex couples raising their hands for the Census…

Sen. Sanders: Lift Payroll Tax Income Cap, Save Social Security

Rep. Kristi Noem thinks she can "save" Medicare by destroying it. Medicare will go broke if we do nothing, Noem claims, so she votes to dismantle the safety net, hand the money to rich folks. Democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders…

TransCanada Pipeline Spills Cause for Caution on Keystone XL

Heather Libby and Emma Pullman turn my list of TransCanada's first-year Keystone spills into a lovely poster: This graphic does not depict the 21 leaks Keystone I had on Canadian soil. Libby and Pullman do question how the U.S. State…

Government Science Funding Supports Economic Growth

The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory at the old Homestake mine in Lead is a big deal to at least some of my neighbors here in Spearfish. The big science project offers some really well-paying jobs as well as…

Fiscal Conservative Noem Carries More Debt than Leftist Blogger

Denise Ross posts Rep. Kristi Noem's asset disclosure and finds that our fiscally conservative Congresswoman is carrying over $20,000 in credit card debt. Uff da: I'll bet the Noem family is enjoying those nice consumer credit card protections the Democrats…

Economics, Not Enviromentalists, Blocking Hyperion Refinery

For this post, Dr. Blanchard will likely accuse me of opposing energy. I plead economics. Regular readers of the Madville Times know that the proposed Hyperion oil refinery in Union County is unlikely to materialize for lack of business case.…

Barth Calls Noem Princess, Tea Party Plutocrats and Death Panels

"Tea Party fanatic." "Tea Party princess." Holy cow: I don't need to run for Congress; I've got Jeff Barth to throw those lines at Rep. Kristi Noem! Barth traveled the state last week to formally kick off his candidacy for…

GOP Shuns Town Halls Because Public Input Proves Them Wrong

There's more evidence that Rep. Kristi No-meeting's avoidance of the public this long August recess is part of a larger pattern of Republican behavior. House Republicans desperately want to avoid the negative media imagery of angry town hall crowds, whether…