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Posts published in August 2011

Noem Flooding Roundtable in Pierre Friday, August 19, 10:30 a.m.

...No Other Public Events Scheduled Congresswoman Kristi Noem has finally released a specific place and time for the roundtable discussion about flooding issues that she is holding in Pierre. Rep. Noem, House Transportation chair Rep. John Mica (R-FL), Rep. Bill…

Federal Grants Bring South Dakotans Books, Better Wastewater Systems

There goes big bad government again, ruining our lives with its wanton, tyrannical spending. Fresh from his big bike ride in the Hills (and almost making me late for my 1 p.m. job interview in Spearfish!), Governor Dennis Daugaard gets…

Brookings Also Asserting Control over Rutland Bus Service

The inequitable and unsafe restrictions imposed on the Rutland School District's bus service for open enrolling students from Madison have drawn have drawn lots of attention and commentary from you, dear readers. One eager reader points out that Madison has…


Following my Wednesday post on the recessionary impacts of state budget cuts by Dennis Daugaard and other governors, a frequent conservative reader gently questinoed one of my sources. I cited data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which…

S&P Downgrades US to AA+, Michele Bachmann to F

If you take Standard & Poor's' (Standard & Poor's's? and how do you form that possessive?) downgrade of the United States' (ah, apostrophes!) credit rating seriously, if you see it as reason to vote out President Barack Obama or any…

LAIC Still Fails to Follow Law, Throws out Meaningless Numbers

Well, at least the LAIC is trying... sort of. Last week I reported that the Lake Area Improvement Corporation, the super-secret cabal of Madison leaders paying a Brookings resident over $100,000 a year to pretend to do economic development, has…

2010 Personal Income Up, But Growth Lagging in Sioux Falls

Hey, Sioux Falls! Get your personal income growth back in gear! According to the latest data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, personal income in the Sioux Falls metro area (Minnehaha, McCook, Turner, and Lincoln counties) grew 1.6% in 2010,…

High Lonesome Strains of Atheism Ringing from the Hilltops

Let's start the morning with a little musical crie de coeur. Banjo man Steve Martin does us secular humanists a favor by producing the Atheist's Hymnal... all one page of it. Hallelujah! Time to throw some underpants in the…