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Posts published in August 2011

Kristi Noem “Major Contender” for Debt Supercommittee

Get ready for S&P to downgrade our credit rating even further. As if to prove the credit raters' contention that our political system lacks the common sense to come up with solutions, The Hill's Bob Cusack says that South Dakota…

Janklow: Speeder, Whiner, Perpetual Adolescent

Maybe I should lay off Bill Janklow. He's just too easy a target, and he's not in a position to influence policy any more, is he? His power may be waning, but his arrogance is not. The Mitchell Daily Republic…

Governor Reverses Charity Sales Tax Stance, Delays Enforcement

As noted yesterday, a newly rediscovered state statute that requires churches to pay sales tax on charity food distributions initially drew a hands-off approach from Governor Dennis Daugaard: In a response letter, Daugaard said that to grant the exemption in…

Top Ten Reasons to Send Money to the Madville Times

See that Tip Jar in the near sidebar? Click on it, and you can send me money. Now the Madville Times is free: I write it because I love it... and because I love South Dakota. So why would you…

Food Charities Face Sales Burden: Worth a Special Session Amendment?

If Dakota War College is done hyperventilating about lemonade stands in other states, perhaps my conservative friends would like to light into South Dakota's newfound love of old regulations that may put charitable organizations out of business. Evidently Pierre has…

Forest Service Seeks Public Input on Black Hills Pine Beetle Plan

MPBRP—that's the sound I made last night after eating salads made with bacon, sausage, and salami. MPBRP is also the Mountain Pine Beetle Response Project the Forest Service is proposing to take care of those pesky pine beetles in the…