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Top Ten Reasons to Send Money to the Madville Times

See that Tip Jar in the near sidebar? Click on it, and you can send me money.

Now the Madville Times is free: I write it because I love it... and because I love South Dakota. So why would you want to toss some money in the Madville Times kitty? Here are ten good reasons:

  1. Original reporting: the LAIC's violation of state finance reporting law, Walt Bones's ignorance, the Veblen-Ramona dairy connection, Madison's hippo ban... where else do you get stories like these?
  2. In-depth local campaign coverage, with video from the stage!
  3. Great discussions of state politics, anonymity online, liquor licenses and downtown development, usury....
  4. Alliteration.
  5. Pretty good legal analysis, like this post on Judge Karen Schreier's injunction against 81% of South Dakota's latest abortion law, or this post debunking misplaced concerns about the Department of Transportation's request for public comment on farm equipment driving rules.
  6. Great commenters (dang: they may need to set up their own tip jars!).
  7. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post thinks the Madville Times is worth mentioning (not that you need any East Coast fancy-pants to tell you what to think!).
  8. Holding Kristi Noem accountable.
  9. Quality and quantity. Since converting to the new domain and new WordPress platform last Christmas, I've published over 900 original posts, plus a few guest columns. There's always something new to read here.
  10. Photo essays, funny graphics, and multimedia!

I'm happy to do all this and more. If you find value here, and you'd like to contribute, I welcome your dollars in the tip jar. Thanks for reading and commenting!


  1. Sue Janssen 2011.08.08

    Hey, Cory -- I'll donate. Nice reporting on Kristi Noem, LAIC, and local govt. issues.

  2. Ashley Kenneth Allen 2011.08.08

    You should setup some recurring PayPal buttons for "Monthly Subscription/Tips". Setup some $5, $10, $20 a month contribution buttons and add them to your site. This is how our friend Leo Laporte at TWIT.TV has made it work.

    I am sure lots of your readers will contribute, especially going into an election year.

  3. Jana 2011.08.08

    I'd love to, but may have to bow out given the new policy as using my husband's surname could be fairly destructive for him considering the people he works with. It's been fun though and I will check back often. Keep up the good work everyone! Thanks for the ride Cory!

  4. shane gerlach 2011.08.09

    Jana...where is that policy at? I see a thread musing about anonymity, but see no change in policy.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.08.09

    Jana, I hope we don't lose you. I can't take Sibby on alone! Note that I have not made any change in my comment policy since the launch of this new domain and WordPress platform.

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