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BHSU Homecoming Parade in Spearfish: Strike up Some Bands!

Spearfish Volunteer Fire Department brings up the rear in the BHSU homecoming parade, 2011
We all love our firefighters, but my daughter is not convinced their sirens add value to parades.

It's Swarm Days here in Spearfish.

No, no, it's not that bad. Some college kids played football. A band played music for tailgaters across the creek.

Bands did not, alas, play in the Black Hills State University homecoming parade, at least none that I heard. The Divine Miss K and I walked (walked! walked! oh, the traveling we do by foot in our new urban life!) downtown to see the parade and grab some candy. Five-year-old legs, of course, usually arrive late, so we didn't see all of the parade entries.

Still, we didn't hear any marching bands down Fifth Street. The general consensus from Heidelberger parade viewers: if you're gonna march, you've got to have at least a fife and drum, if not a few high school bands blowing and banging for all they're worth. Let's round up some bands next year!

It was perfect parade weather, with plenty of sun and summer still in the air. I missed getting band videos (point for Trojan Days back home!), but I did get some pictures of my new closer neighbors parading under a brilliant Black Hills sky.

BHSU Hall of Fame inductees Cori Engelhardt and Travis Thorn
BHSU Hall of Fame inductees Cori Engelhardt and Travis Thorn
The Black Hills Model T Club pulls a mini covered wagon in the parade.
The Black Hills Model T Club pulls a mini covered wagon in the BHSU Homecoming parade.
Another antique car in the BHSU Homecoming Parade
Another antique car in the BHSU Homecoming Parade
Old flivver in BHSU Homecoming Parade
I swear, I thought I heard this old flivver blow a steam whistle.
Lawrence County Republicans drive in BHSU homecoming parade, 2011
The car the Lawrence County Republicans represents the decade they fantasize they live in... without, of course, the powerful union labor that built that car and made the middle class possible. But where were the Dems?
Scooter and bike in BHSU homecoming parade, 2011
I don't know if these young folks are Lawrence County Democrats, but they do take a smaller, more efficient approach to parade propulsion.
Roller derby girl in BHSU homecoming parade, 2011
Every parade is enlivened by a girl on skates. Toro toro, taxi!