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Posts tagged as “Black Hills State University”

Augustana Most Influential College in South Dakota, Says

Uh oh—I feel another Hobo Day Riot coming on.... For those of you who believe everything you read on the Internet, says the most influential college in South Dakota is... Augustana College. In other states, Noodle picks the predictable…

BHSU Athletic Director Breaching Church-State Separation?

I read in the Rapid City Journal that Black Hills State University is hosting a Fields of Faith event on October 12. Fields of Faith is a nationwide event affiliated with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a generally decent group…

BHSU Homecoming Parade in Spearfish: Strike up Some Bands!

It's Swarm Days here in Spearfish. No, no, it's not that bad. Some college kids played football. A band played music for tailgaters across the creek. Bands did not, alas, play in the Black Hills State University homecoming parade,…