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Posts published in December 2011

Big Dairy Concentrates Cattle and Ownership

Tom Lawrence at the Mitchell Daily Republic launches a five-part series on South Dakota's dairy industry with this report on industry trends. The series is of particular interest to Hanson County residents, who may find themselves hosting a 7000-head dairy…

16% of College-Bound Madison HS Grads Fully Ready for College

If 84% of the kids in your high school planning to go to college weren't fully ready for college, would you be worried? If so, the ACT gives cause for worry. According to a report on Madison High School's ACT…

On My Radio: The Current from MPR

I am thankful that South Dakota Public Radio provides its great mix of news and music programming to counter the mindless commercial drivel and conformity coming out of most radio stations in South Dakota. But with their in-house music staff…

Mayor Receives Complaints about Country Club “Economic Development” Loan

Mayor Gene Hexom submits his monthly Mayor's Report to the Madison City Commission Monday night. His report includes some classic Madison euphemism: "Economic development loan"—hmm... could the Mayor be referring to the zero-interest quarter-million dollar loan the private Madison Country…

Madison Hospital Seeks Public Support for Expansion

You read it here first: Madison is getting a new hospital! O.K., Madison Community Hospital exec Tammy Miller is very careful to say her facility is "seeking support for financing," not actually announcing the project for which one of my…

Volesky Gets Drunk, Beats Old Woman, Gets Jail and Ankle Bracelet

Well, Ron Volesky won't be joining the primary against Kristi Noem... or running for any other office again, ever: A Huron defense lawyer and politician will spend three days in jail for assaulting an elderly woman with a belt last…