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Posts published in December 2011

State Spins Brain Drain Numbers: Freshman Imports Don’t Stick

The South Dakota Board of Regents boasts that South Dakota has reversed "brain drain." This new Regents' study on net migration of new high school grads finds that while 1,564 of South Dakota's 9,142 2008 HS graduates (17%) went out…

Dems, Meet Santa: Gordon Howie E-mailing for Campaign Dollars

Gordon Howie may not know how to format his online work (Gord, use bold or italics for emphasis; save the underlining for hyperlinks), but he's working the Web to solicit donations for a right-wing insurgency in 2012. Yesterday I noted…

Václav Havel, Moral Leadership, Iran, and Ron Paul

Playwright and president—wait. Hear those words together. Czech playwright and president Václav Havel died last night. Communists—not the bullshit bogeymen some Americans see behind every perceived slight against their selfish desires, but real Communists, the kind with tanks and guns…

Gordon Howie Launching Theocracy Campaign with Bogus Poll

Indulge me... Liberal Democratic thought seems to be fading from the political scene. That might be about to change. In the South Dakota Republican Party, charges of corruption and political "bullying" have been compounded by an apparent departure from their…

Rick Perry Double Dips with Early Retirement

Remember the grousing around Lake County back around the beginning of 2010 when school superintendents at Madison and Chester resigned, then got rehired so they could start collecting retirement benefits while still taking their salaries before the Legislature nixed that…