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Posts published in December 2011

McDowell Misguided on Energy, Misaligns Me with Middle East

Big Oil lapdog Mike McDowell says that, in my opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, I'm in league with sheiks and dictators. He throws around his same stale wishful thinking that increased oil prices from Keystone XL are "not a…

Muslims Seek Mosque in Madison

...maybe they'd like to buy the Masonic temple... Rod Goeman brings to my attention an effort to establish Madison's first mosque (or perhaps more accurately, musalla... but more on that below). No, we're not talking fancy domes and minarets and…

Memo to Eighth Circuit: Abortion Does Not Increase Mental Health Risk

...however, constant anti-abortion activism might.... Last September, a three-judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court issued a mostly bad ruling on South Dakota's 2005 anti-abortion law. The only bright spot was the Court's rejection of South Dakota's attempt to force…

In Atheists We Do Not Trust

You folks consider me about as trustworthy as a rapist. Science says so: ...[A] team of psychologists at the University of British Columbia and University of Oregon... conducted a series of six studies with 350 American adults and 420 university…

Basin Electric Among Leading Toxic Air Polluters

The Environmental Integrity Project finds Basin Electric, source of much of the electricity used in South Dakota, is one of the leading generators of toxic air pollution. Their new report on the dirtiest power plants in the nation finds that,…