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Petition: Stop HB 1234, Convene Task Force on K-12 Education

South Dakota's schools deserve solutions that work. Sign this petition to tell Governor Daugaard to take time to find the right solutions.

Governor Dennis Daugaard insists that South Dakota's schools are failing, even though neither he nor anyone else has clearly defined just what the problem with our K-12 system is. The Governor says drastic reforms are needed, even though the three major reforms he's proposing (competitive merit bonuses for teachers, hiring bonuses for new math and science teachers, and termination of continuing contract rights) won't increase student achievement.

Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (D-19/Yankton) has proposed putting the brakes on the Governor's proposals. Rep. Hunhoff doesn't want complete inaction; he wants informed action. He says if there really is a problem (and again, someone, tell me: What is the problem with our K-12 system? How are we failing our kids?), we should take time to study it, study other school systems, and pick out solutions that will really work.

I agree with Rep. Hunhoff, and I've started an online petition to say so. If you think the Governor's education proposals (House Bill 1234) are bad ideas, please sign the petition. If you think we should not gamble our children's education on unproven policy reforms, please sign the petition. If you think good education policy requires thoughtful study and open public deliberation, please sign the petition.

We have two weeks before the Legislature wraps up. Rushing Governor Daugaard's preferred reforms or any other big plan in those two weeks does not serve our kids, our teachers, or our schools well. The best thing we can do right now is tell our legislators to put HB 1234 on the shelf (if not in the garbage can); get some teachers, parents, and policymakers to lead a statewide conversation; and come up with solid, evidence-based solutions for K-12 education.

You can sign the petition at this link. You can also sign via the petition widget in the far right sidebar right here on the Madville Times. If you do sign, please share this petition with all of your South Dakota friends. Thank you!


  1. Corrine Kallemeyn 2012.02.16

    Thank you Cory for the work you do to keep us informed on the issues in South Dakota! I have signed and passed this petition on to as many people as I can. Keep up the good work!

  2. Michael Black 2012.02.16

    Let's get real: HB1234 will be passed by the senate and signed by the governor.

    The question becomes what are those opposed to HB1234 going to do about it?

    Most teachers will not be affected at all. There will be some grumbling as a few teachers earn financial rewards that others do not. We will see curriculum change to favor higher standardized test scores (teaching to the test). A number of educators will be let go through the elimination of continuing contracts. Lawmakers will be able to feel good and point out how great of a job they are doing in Pierre because they gave additional money to education.

    Will the individual student benefit from HB1234? Probably not.

    The question for those against HB1234 is a pragmatic one: After the governor signs the bill into law, will enough voters oppose merit pay and the loss of continuing contracts in a state-wide election to justify the petition drive referring the law?

    If the overwhelming majority of South Dakotans support HB1234, then we should figure out how each of us will adapt to the changes. For teachers, it might mean changing professions. For parents, it might mean teaching your kids more skills outside of their normal school day.

    As I grow older, I realize that there are more battles than I have time or energy to fight. I might not like it, but life is not fair. I will do the best I can for my kids and community.

  3. Steve Sibson 2012.02.16

    I say save our petition energy toward putting this on the ballot as was done with last year's fascist HB1120. Time for the people of South Dakota to take back their state government.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.02.16

    Michael, Steve, it's still worth talking sense to our Legislators. There will be a committee vote, then likely a Senate vote, then likely a House vote. We may well find individuals of good conscience who will change their minds if presented with facts and with overwhelming opposition from the public. If such demonstrations don't prevail, then we do well right to fire up the conversation and mobilize supporters now, so if the Governor's pen does hit paper on this bill, we can pivot to a vigorous and fast referral movement immediately, with a minimum of teaching or re-teaching on the issue.

    Corrine, thank you! Keep spreading the word!

  5. Thomas Bare 2012.02.20

    Thanks for getting this petition started! This is exactly what we proposed to the Governor and the District 4 and 7 Legislators.
    Tom and Jeanette Bare, Brookings

  6. Dan Bohl 2012.02.20

    Cory, why don't the politicians and the governor listen to the ones they are influencing with this stupid bill, one that is totally destructive to education? Are they that arrogant so that they think that they know more than teachers, administrators, and board members know? South Dakota teachers have always had enough pride to produce students who have tested above the national average, in spite of the fact they that continue to be grossly underpaid.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.02.20

    If I knew the answer to that question, Dan, I would overcome that resistance immediately. I can't think of another profession that the government would try to regulate while discounting the expertise of the practitioners of that profession. For now, all we can do is keep making our voices heard. (Dan, I'm going to let you handle calling Russell Olson! He'll listen to you, won't he? :-) )

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