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Posts published in March 2012

SD Chamber of Commerce Logic: Unnecessary Incentives Necessary

David Owen, president of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce, visits the Yankton Elks to agitate in favor of Governor Daugaard's corporate welfare policies. He tries to defend tax refunds to big companies with this comment on the revenues we…

Stephanie Strong Predictably Melts Down

When Stephanie Strong announced her candidacy for U.S. House, I made clear that I was eager to see her make the ballot and give Rep. Kristi Noem heartburn. Strong's vague opening pablum and shoddy website drove me to offer some…

Pope Benedict XVI Bows to Fidel Castro

Dakota War College loves to dismiss any and all policy statements by George McGovern and anyone who shakes his hand by running this old photo of the former South Dakota Senator meeting with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro: In running this…

Pink Slime Inspires Branstad Call for Rhetorical Civility

South Dakota Lt. Gov. Matt Michaels got together with some fellow elected officials at the BPI plant in South Sioux City yesterday to eat some pink slime burgers and pump memes for their big industry friends. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback…

Prayer Kills… or Wingnuts Say the Funniest Things

Prayer kills. At least that's the message Black Hills right-wingnut Bob Ellis wants you to believe. In today's American Carrion, Ellis runs this morally and theologically offensive screed from William J. Federer to persuade us that if we just pray…

Daugaard, Governors: Free Market Bad, Pink Slime Good!

Update 15:48 MST: I stand corrected by my attentive commenters. Governor Daugaard is still away in China, likely assuring our Eastern overlords that he will continue to advocate for the Keystone XL pipeline, which will help China get more North…