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There Is No Revolution: Romney Clinches Nomination on Paul’s Home Turf

O.K., one more Ron Paul post, and then it should be out of my system.

Ron Paul's desperate clingers have been courting Hutterites and fleecing South Dakotans thinking that a campaign of surprise and deception could produce a nation-rocking victory in South Dakota's June 5 primary.

If there was any doubt that these characters were smoking dope, last night's Texas primary snuffed that doubt out completely. Mitt Romney won the Texas primary and formally clinched the nomination. According to the Texas Secretary of State's website, Romney's 69% vote tally wins him all 105 delegates. (Expect South Dakota Paul delegate Daniel Willard to drop by and claim that Secretary Esperanza Andrade is a tool of the lamestream media.)

Statewide, Ron Paul placed second. He won just less than 12% of the total vote. More importantly, Paul won less than 39% of the not-Romney vote. Most importantly, even in his home district, Congressional District 14, Paul lost to Romney 64.7% to 18.6%.

The people who know Ron Paul best have spoken: there is no revolution. They officially welcome a Masschusetts liberal as the leader of the GOP. (Wait: maybe that is a revolution.)


  1. larry kurtz 2012.05.30

    From the only living GOPer deserving of my respect, May 27, 2011: "Only Pawlenty, Romney and Huntsman can win. All the rest are in there for fun." David Brooks on NPR.

    Most puzzling to me is how the Paul people believed the Republican Party was/is the right correct vehicle for the message.

    Same deal with Sibby: you can't fix stupid, bro.

  2. Steve Sibson 2012.05.30

    How much money has Romney received from Corporatists?

  3. Aaron Heidelberger 2012.05.30
  4. D.E. Bishop 2012.05.31

    Romney isn't a liberal. He is a big money sociopath. (See Al's Emporium column, Wall Street Journal, 3/5/2012)

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