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Daugaards Do Garden, Desire Deer Guard

Last updated on 2012.08.15

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned President Obama's White House kitchen garden and wondered if our self-reliance-loving Governor Dennis Daugaard had any such veggies sprouting from his gubernatorial grounds.


Vegetable garden, Governor's mansion, Pierre, South Dakota, August 2012
Vegetable garden, Governor's mansion, Pierre, South Dakota, August 14, 2012 (click to enlarge! photo credit: Governor's office)

That's four cages of tomatoes (cage #3 shows a couple green Romas toward the bottom) growing on the grounds of the Governor's mansion in Pierre, plus some other greens. Notice the Capitol in the background—with that view, I could spend all day in that garden.

I hear the Governor could use someone to hang out in the garden all day and chase away the deer, which have been putting their stamp (or chomp) of approval on the Governor's produce. Darn deer! If the Governor wishes to ask Game Fish & Parks for a second season on deer during garden harvest season, he will have my support. Short of that, I've tried a mix of tabasco and eggs on my trees at Lake Herman to keep deer from rubbing off the bark... but you'll want to keep that noxious brew on the tomato cages, not on the tomatoes. The Governor and I welcome other deer-repellent suggestions!

One Comment

  1. Nick Nemec 2012.08.15

    It's a mcmansion in a working class neighborhood, but it's what the legislature wanted.

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