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Powers Denounces Own Blog’s Previous Content, Erasing Bill Clay Posts

Pat Powers of Dakota War College hammers an anonymous commenter with the following delicious self-indictment:

It's sleaze like you, who call names without standing behind your words. This whole thing is orchestrated and engineered to be anonymous, and unaccountable [Pat Powers, comment, Dakota War College, 2012.08.07].

Calling names without standing behind your words: that's been standard operating procedure for most of DWC's commenters since the blog's inception. That was standard operating procedure for "Bill Clay," the pseudonymous Dakota War College mystery writer who also railed against anonymous attacks against the GOP machine.

Orchestrated and engineered to be anonymous: that sounds like standard operating procedure for Powers as he moved his Internet domains around to conceal ownership of his partisan blog and political campaign business while he worked in the Secretary of State's office.

Maybe Powers has turned over a new leaf. He hasn't started deleting those sleazy anonymous comments (he reserves that privilege for people he knows, like Larry Kurtz and me). But he appears to be working a selective whitewash on "Bill Clay," erasing an odd assortment of his front man's previous work. Start making your own backup archives, eager readers: Powers may be erasing evidence right before our eyes.


  1. larry kurtz 2012.08.08

    Brookings is looking like a tornado is ready to hit: haven't even gotten coffee yet.

  2. Steve Sibson 2012.08.08

    This is the problem in politics today. Partisans like Powers will testify to protect anonymous comments on blogs, but then wants the AG to force identity on those holding the SDGOP establishment accountable to their voting records. Anybody want to now discuss the SDGOP closed caucus, where they plan the implementation of their liberal big government agenda (NWO for short).

  3. Testor15 2012.08.08

    Larry, maybe its PP cleaning up his website?

  4. hmr59 2012.08.08

    "This is the problem in politics today. Partisans like Powers will testify to protect anonymous comments on blogs, but then wants the AG to force identity on those holding the SDGOP establishment accountable to their voting records."

    Sibby, you got this one right on the money (or PAC contributions).

  5. Bill Fleming 2012.08.08

    Well, not quite "on the money" hmr59. He moves from an inditement of one isolated, conservative blogger into a sweeping overgeneralized screed about liberalism and big government. It only makes sense if you're as nuts as he is.

  6. Dougal 2012.08.08

    War Collage has zero credibility until there is full accounting and transparency to the public (not the partisans in the Attorney General's office) on criminal and actionable malfeasance allegations brought by Sen. Adelstein on the office's top officials. Gant et al are part of a national strategy to remove the right to vote from law-abiding Americans and they blatantly ran (and still run) the office as a campaign services office to aid their pals.

    Until there is accountability to the public, War Collage's return to its brutal business as usual stands as a pillar of contempt by the elite power structure in Pierre who run our state government as a factory of corruption.

  7. mike 2012.08.08

    I'm still convinced Powers dabbled in that blog while at the SOS as Bill Clay.

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.08

    Maybe the "Bill Clay" posts disappearing are the ones he wrote on office time. I need to check for a pattern.

  9. larry kurtz 2012.08.08

    Looks good East River. Stark contrast to the West. Pat's well-paid, gang: worry not.

  10. Steve Sibson 2012.08.08

    "one isolated, conservative blogger"

    Powers a conservative? Fleming, that makes you the crazy one if you really believe that. Amazing how you on the left call RINOs conservatives so when they act like you, you can then blame it on conservativism.

  11. Testor15 2012.08.08

    Notice once SouthDacola printed the steps the AG and DCI should have followed for a proper investigation of DakotaCampaignStore activity out of SOS office, PP decides to delete the 'Bill Clay' commentaries?

  12. Justin 2012.08.08

    I think this has everything to do with the anonymous attack on GOP leadership and nothing to do with what Ehrisman wrote, which I thought was damning to Jackley (and of course Gant), not Powers.

    It reminds me of the teenage proposition, "let's punch each other in the face, I'll go first". Gant and Powers never thought GOP leadership cadre would receive a return punch. Turns out it hurts.

  13. mike 2012.08.08

    Testor15 you point out some very interesting thoughts.

  14. mike 2012.08.08

    Didn't Powers delete his entire site when he left to go and work at the SOS office?

  15. Bill Fleming 2012.08.08

    Sibby, let's be clear. Troy Jones, Lee Schoenbeck, Pat Powers, George Will and William F. Buckley are/were conservatives. You, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachmann, Donald Trump, Allen West, the JBS, the KKK and those other crypto-nazi/facists are nut jobs.

  16. larry kurtz 2012.08.08

    more like christo-nazi/fascists, bill.

  17. larry kurtz 2012.08.08

    ip must be...marxist-nutzo/facile-ist.

  18. Bill Fleming 2012.08.08

    I'm a Groucho Marx/John Lennonist.

  19. Dougal 2012.08.08

    Maybe the Sibster has a point here: "Powers a conservative? Fleming, that makes you the crazy one if you really believe that."

    Where would PP be without government financing his every need from cradle to today? Which of his family members have worked for the federal, state or local governments (his dad was a careerist with the FBI) -- or did they work and send the checks back? (So much for the private sector when your 'job creator' is the Treasury!) If it wasn't for government funding and government health care, would these people be living in a van down by the river?

    He's a 'severe neo-con' when it comes to your daughters' and wives' bodies, health care for people with prior conditions, humane civil rights for gays, your schools' future solvency, your ability to cast your vote without being suppressed, your taxes being wasted on the military industrial complex, your family members being sent to fight in a war created by Cheney and Bush's lies, and your faith that Social Security won't be subjected to the Frankenstein laboratory, also known as the Paul Ryan budget.

    Why? The money. Because he makes money with his campaign business. And because when his business gets people like Jason Gant elected, he can lean back on the government dole paycheck again until the political heat gets extreme.

    When it comes to the wallet perched in PP's back pocket, well, let them government Benjamins fall! Politics and your taxes been belly belly good to PP.

  20. Bill Fleming 2012.08.08

    Yeah, well there's that. The other irony that the people most opposed to Government are also the ones who want to run it. That's like having a vegan chef cook pork BBQ for you.

  21. Justin 2012.08.08

    I find it hard to understand how "limited government" includes regulating what you ingest into your own body and what goes on inside your vagina.

  22. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.08.08

    "Even when everything is coming apart at the seams and disaster is almost certainly imminent, putting up a good front for friends and loved ones makes everything better"—well-linked, Anne!

  23. Steve Sibson 2012.08.09


    Fleming, it is you who agrees with Hitler's gun control and anti-free market policies. And it is your New Age theological occult principle of evolution, fabricated by the racist Charles Dawrin, that fueled Hitler's racism. It is all a part of "The Plan" pushed by New Age monistic pantheistic unity promotics like you Bill:

    In order to reach their aims of world unity and thus engage the whole world in service to the Plan, "enlightened" Freemasons and New Agers have been pushing for collectivist motifs that promote monistic pantheism and unity. This is why the chief instigators to the globalist League of Nations and the United Nations have been Theosophists, trying to work out the plan. This is why the verbiage and aims at the U.N. is for world peace and brotherhood. It is a spiritual undertaking in a secular world. Lucis Trust has had three think-tanks located at the U.N. Plaza in New York for around fifty years. No wonder the former Assistant Secretary General to the U.N., Robert Muller, is a devoted disciple of Alice Bailey, whose book, A Treatise on White Magic, forms the basis for the Robert Muller schools. (The Leavening)

  24. Barry Smith 2012.08.09

    Arrg ! More cut and paste paranoia from Sibson. Please don't run with the scissors Steve.

  25. Steve Sibson 2012.08.09

    More personal attacks to avoid the truth from Kool Aid drinkers. Prove how any of those items are false. Try some of that critical thinking that the left likes to brag about.

  26. Barry Smith 2012.08.09

    Prove any of it is true Steve. Tell you what if it turns out to be true I will be the first one to follow you to the Thunderdome. Why are you constantly repeating the same thing over and over again. I think we get it , we understand what you believe. repeating it over and over again doesn't make it any more clear or believable, and it wasn't a personal attack , I was genuinely concerned for your safety.

  27. Bill Fleming 2012.08.09

    Barry, I can tell you right now, I've never attended any "think tanks." I have worked a "dunk tank" a few times though. Further, I'm not a member of any secret society or cult. Steve is just hallucinating again, having read far more on this topic than any of the rest of us could possibly stomach. He needs some vicodin, deprogramming and a long stay in a warm climate with decent food service.

  28. Steve Sibson 2012.08.09

    Then in chimes Fleming, the anti-gun, anti-free market New Age monistic nazi. Been reading and Darwin lately?

    "Prove any of it is true Steve."

    And without using sources that I cut and paste from, right?

  29. Steve Sibson 2012.08.09

    "I’m not a member of any secret society or cult."

    But you are into monism and unity, right Bill?

  30. Bill Fleming 2012.08.09

    As an observation, Sibby, not a belief system. It appears that there is unity in the universe. Each new piece of scientific evidence points to the veracity of mathematical models that have shaped that hypothesis.

    Science may be wrong on the details, but so far every new discovery appears to afferm the general "rightness" of the theory.

    But, like you, I never fully "believe" it, nor should we.

    Your problem is your refusal to get it that we agree on that.

    You presume to know what I think.

    You don't.

  31. Steve Sibson 2012.08.09

    "But, like you, I never fully “believe” it, nor should we."

    "You presume to know what I think."

    Bill you made a presumption on what I believe in the first sentence. I don't even partially agree on New Age monistic pantheism. I completely reject it.

  32. Bill Fleming 2012.08.09

    That's fine, Sibby. Except it's not what I was talking about. I was talking about unified field theory. Are you familiar with Einsteins theory of General Relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics? That's what I'm talking about.

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