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Howie Conducting Survey on Daugaard Job Performance

Oh look: Gordon Howie figured out how to create an online survey... sort of. The least effective man in South Dakota conservative politics says he's sent tens of thousands of South Dakota voters this survey on Governor Daugaard's job performance. It's laden with the usual agenda-fulsilling loaded questions we expect from Gordon's crusade fantasy-land. Worse, instead of wiring up a nice convenient survey on that would have tabulated results on each question, Gordon trudges through his own HTML to require us to add up our own totals, then simply report our total "Yes" and "No" votes, with no preservation of data on specific issues. (Gordon probably won't use Survey Monkey because of some fundagelical aversion to animals doing people things.)

But hey, why not? Go ahead, take Gordon's survey. Submit your numbers, and give Gordon lots of data to play with.


  1. Taunia 2012.12.13


  2. Bill Fleming 2012.12.13

    Cory, you're right on the animals but wrong on the reason, I think.

    Any time there's an animal involved, Gordo's trigger finger gets itchy.

    "SurveyMonkey" sounds pretty much like "SafariMonkey" and it was probably just too dang distracting.

  3. grudznick 2012.12.13

    Mr. Howie, and Howites of any proportion. Please complete by noon next Tuesday.

    Do you still beat your wife?
    Have you stopped breaking the tax laws?
    Have you quit supporting people who are disloyal to the GOP?
    Are you continuing to use sexual lubricant for your hair gel despite knowing it's a sin?

    Please tally your Yes/No answers for me so I can assign you your score.

    ***grudznick is a nationally syndicated author, a notorious host of gluttonous breakfasts, and former chair of the Conservatives with Common Sense Scorecard Committee***

  4. Bree S. 2012.12.13

    Yes, they are all talk and no show, Grudz.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.13

    Bill! Is that Gordon crooning on the video? And what on earth is the connection supposed to be the connection between his one-man assault on all God's creatures and "going home to be with Jesus"? That video is hilarious!

  6. grudznick 2012.12.13

    There was a day when one could have dinners with Mr. Howie and he was a sound and rational man. I miss that day.

    However Mr. Howie actually puts on a dandy show. He even sings and dances, but I fear he goes insaner by the week.

  7. Bill Fleming 2012.12.13

    Yes that's Gordon singing. And I'm not sure there is a connection between the song and the subject matter of the video unless maybe... Naw... Scratch that. If there's a connection, I don't know what it is, other than the obvious presentation of Gordon and his various hobbies and passions.

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.13

    Bill, maybe I'm digging harder than Gordon deserves. But I just can't imagine putting together a slideshow like that and choosing music for it without thinking, "Hmm, does this music go with the pictures?" There is either a thoughtless self-absorption in his juxtaposition of hobbies... or his theology is whacked.

  9. Bill Fleming 2012.12.14

    I'm going with the former Cory. I have some theories on the latter but it would take a quite a while to lay it out and would be purely speculative.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.14

    Thoughtless self-absorption does seem the simpler explanation.

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