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Daugaard Delivers Job Performance Republicans Expect

And now from the Department of Blatantly Biased Ellipsis, Governor Dennis Daugaard sums up the job performance Republicans expect of their elected officials:

"I look at myself and I think how little I do..." [Governor Dennis Daugaard, interview, Karl Gehrke, "Trail of Governors," SDPB, 2013.06.17].

He said it, not me!


  1. Rick 2013.06.17

    Thanks for posting the link to the SDPB page with a pic of Funky Walter D! He's hanging in there.

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.06.17

    I was surprised to see Walter Dale without his hat. But that's a mean lookin' whoopin' stick he's carrying. Are weapons like that allowed in the Capitol?

  3. Rick 2013.06.17

    The stick lobby is well represented in Pierre.

  4. Troy Jones 2013.06.17

    Harvey is a great story-teller. Farrar is a guy who goes a mile a minute.

    The sculptors captured their attributes totally.

  5. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.06.17

    Farrar and Wollman both sound like my kind of guy.

  6. Rorschach 2013.06.17

    Isn't Frank Farrar 90? He's looking spry. Those triathlons are keeping him in shape.

  7. Gogol Bordyellow 2013.06.17

    I am almost sick of being addicted to the madvilletimes. Keep it bleeding blue crack dealer.

  8. Douglas Wiken 2013.06.18

    Farrar said on SDPB-Radio a week or so ago that he had gotten West Nile Disease and it was still bothering him making him weak and tired, etc. Also said he was into vegetables and lean food long before that became a to-do or fad. He still hasn't explained how he managed to buy a bank in Ladysmith, Wisc on his AG or Gov's salary. The Des Moines paper or Minneapolis noticed, but not SD papers. Farrar and non-coop electric utilities were in the same bed. That and Kneip's personality probably prevented him from getting a second term.

    My guess is that Harvey Wollman may have been one of our best informed and intelligent governors.

  9. Stan Gibilisco 2013.06.18

    More detail from the article ...

    For current Governor Dennis Daugaard, it was a chance to get to know his predecessors better. “It’s a fact of life that in most cases the circumstances where we would meet don’t ordinarily offer that kind of opportunity,” says Daugaard. But as I’m preparing for today’s remarks, one’s called upon to review the history of the people about whom you’re going to speak. And so I have a fuller appreciation of the breadth of their careers, the length of their service and the variety of ways they’ve given public service and it’s impressive. It’s very humbling. I look at myself and I think how little I do in some ways compared to what these Governors have done,” he says.

    Cory, do you aspire to become the Sultan of Spin?

  10. SDBlue 2013.06.18

    Stan, read the partial quote. Then read the full quote. Is not the sentiment the same?

  11. Stan Gibilisco 2013.06.19

    Well, he could have distilled his verbiage with more virtuosity; I will admit that much.

    When one compliments others by denigrating oneself, one sometimes ends up with toe fungus in one's mouth.

  12. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.06.20

    Stan, with an eager grin, I wholly acknowledge my spinsterism on this post. When the Governor tosses a softball like that, how can I not swing? :-)

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