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Posts published in June 2013

South Dakota Senators Vote Aye Every Time for Patriot Act Surveillance

Hey, Annette! You want to be a change agent? Prove it.... Senator John Thune predictably responds to a constituent's inquiry about gun regulations by raising false constitutional concerns about a national gun registry that was not part of the bill…

Bosworth Invokes God’s Will in Senate Bid

Dr. Annette Bosworth is following the arch-conservative playbook in her embryonic Senate bid. Fresh from her campaign-cash fishing expedition to Washington, D.C., she comes back to Sioux Falls saying God wants her to run: She also said her faith is…

War Photographer Doesn’t Carry a Gun

An eager reader sends me this CNN photo-story of Ohio teachers posing with their guns. (For the benefit of South Dakota's legislators, shall I emphasize the word posing?) After I got past the silly comment from firearms instructor Alan Wheeler…

Lincoln County Asking for Second Federal Disaster Declaration

Lincoln County is responsible for sending one of the most Tea-baggin'est contingents of legislators to Pierre. District 6, the Lennox-Tea-Harrisburg corner of the county, elected ultra-conservatives Ernie Otten, Herman Otten, and Isaac Latterell last year. The other three districts that…

2012 GDP Grows in 29 States; South Dakota Barely Beats Zero

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released its data on gross domestic product by state for 2012. The good news is that no state experienced a recession last year except for Connecticut, and that recession was tiny, –0.1%. The bad…

Wharf Mine: Grim Black Hills Extraction-Attraction

Staple a poster for your rummage sale to a phone pole, or put up a sign with plastic tie-downs or visible bolts on your property, and the City of Spearfish will bust your chops for such offending the splendor of…