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Posts published in June 2013

R. Blake Is Back! Daugaard Appoints Dr. Curd to District 12 Senate

From right to hard right? After appointing Paul Ryan true believer Joseph Schartz as student regent, Governor Dennis Daugaard reached out and pulled Tea Party faker R. Blake Curd back into the Legislature. Ah, yes, because Sioux Falls doesn't send…

Farm Bill Communism: More Handouts for Wealthy Farmers

Speaking of Republicans inspired by Communists, Senator John Thune and Rep. Kristi Noem's commitment to expanding the socialization of risk through crop insurance (the product her husband Bryon sells) will increase taxpayer costs and encourage bad farming practices. If we…

Education Reform: Give All Kids Opportunity, Not Just the Rich

Arizona education advocate Edward F. Berger sees through the selfishness of the wealthy masquerading as education reformers and calls them to a very Christian notion of serving the community: If those who have great wealth can stop believing that because…

Annette Bosworth, Republican, Also Digs Che

Dr. Annette Bosworth is a smart, independent physician. But she's too independent to run for U.S. Senate or any other office and win as a Republican: Some of my conservative friends would assert that only a Democrat would wear a…

Rural America Declines to 46.2 Million

An eager reader points me toward a USDA analysis that should distress anyone interested in economic development in South Dakota: for the first time, non-metro countries in the United States have experienced a net population loss. 46.2 million of us…