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Farm Bill Communism: More Handouts for Wealthy Farmers

Speaking of Republicans inspired by Communists, Senator John Thune and Rep. Kristi Noem's commitment to expanding the socialization of risk through crop insurance (the product her husband Bryon sells) will increase taxpayer costs and encourage bad farming practices. If we were serious about capitalism and deficit reduction, the Farm Bill would beat up on crony capitalists, not food stamp recipients:

It’s a simple solution, says [Environmental Working Group senior VP Craig] Cox: “The legislators could decide not to reauthorize direct payments and invest some of the savings in good programs while still hitting budget reduction targets.” The Congressional Budget Office reports that this action would save about $5 billion per year, far more than the proposed potential savings of cutting SNAP and other beneficial programs while enhancing crop insurance. (The Senate proposes saving less than $2 billion annually, the House just over $3 billion.)

In other words, without hurting conservation or poor people or foreign aid or progressive and traditional farming, you could achieve targeted savings simply by letting direct payments go away and refusing to boost the crop insurance scam.

Boosters of crop insurance on steroids simply want a government guarantee of farm revenue. Maybe you don’t want to scream “communism!” but it’s the type of guarantee that no other industry in this country would dare to dream of [Mark Bittman, "Welfare for the Wealthy," New York Times, 2013.06.04].

Annette Bosworth is just wearing a t-shirt. John Thune, Kristi Noem, and the Farm Bill will redistribute your wealth up the ladder.


  1. Jana 2013.06.06

    Kristi also voted to deport the kids covered in the DREAM Act. And good old John Thune voted to double student loan rates...and guess what he want to protect? loopholes for oil companies, wealthy pensioners, rich kids and multinational corporations.

    Keep in mind, the government is making money on student loans at the lower rate and losing money on the tax loopholes.

    Funny John hasn't brought up doubling student interest rates...funnier/sadder yet that the media hasn't reported or even asked the tall and handsome senator about this.

    Here's more background on who John values more than college kids.

    Maybe there is an enterprising student paper that will ask their Senator, who's children won't need loans, about his odd choice double their rates and give Exxon a break.

    So all you Young Republicans who were were right with your word associations...Your party is closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned and rich.

  2. Douglas Wiken 2013.06.07

    Stephanie Herseth was no real friend of students either. She beggerd for their help on her first race and then turned around with the Blue Dog Crap and voted to cut loan programs or increase interest rates. Whatever, it did not make it easy for her to get college support afterward, but by then she had campaign funds from big money.

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