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Posts published in June 2013

Teaching to Different Learning Styles: Bunk, Says NCTQ!

Teaching to different learning styles is a big deal in education. During the last two years teaching French at Spearfish High School, I received formal evaluations that included items like "preparation for student learning differences" and "motivation and direction of…

Three South Dakota Teacher Prep Programs Make National Honor Roll

The National Council on Teacher Quality has issued a report on teacher education programs nationwide. Unlike many of the teacher prep programs they surveyed, NCTQ did not inflate the grades. Out of 1,200 elementary and secondary teacher training programs surveyed,…

Brewer Bounced from Whiteclay Beer Protest for Bad Check

What got Oglala Sioux Tribe President Bryan Brewer arrested yesterday in Whiteclay, Nebraska? He was leading his people to block a beer truck from making its delivery: That yellow object the deputy draws at 1:19 is a taser. The protester…

Daugaard Delivers Job Performance Republicans Expect

And now from the Department of Blatantly Biased Ellipsis, Governor Dennis Daugaard sums up the job performance Republicans expect of their elected officials: "I look at myself and I think how little I do..." [Governor Dennis Daugaard, interview, Karl Gehrke,…

DMV: Fees Going Up; Please Don’t Blame Governor

The Division of Motor Vehicles sends out a press release reminding you that your motor vehicle registration fees go up July 1... and it's not Governor Dennis Daugaard's fault! The South Dakota Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicles, wants…