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Noem Delivers GOP Drama, But No Farm Bill; Walz Wants Congress to Work

Speaking of delay, Kristi, where's that Farm Bill?

For the second year in a row, Rep. Kristi Noem has failed to deliver a Farm Bill on time. Noem's Minnesota farm-country colleague, Democratic Rep. Tim Walz captured the frustration we should all feel with Kristi and the GOP's non-performance in this floor speech yesterday:

The one thing I hear from my constituents when I talk to them out in southern Minnesota is, "Is it so much to ask you folks just to do your job?"... As the drama swirls and the brinkmanship goes, and it’s déjà vu all over again, certain things shouldn’t be that difficult.

They’ve asked us to pass a Farm Bill. Four months ago, the Senate did it. Four months ago, the House Ag Committee did it. That wasn’t good enough. We came to this floor, we created drama, we tried to make being hungry a sin – and now you’ve got a monstrosity.

Well you know what? The constitution makes it very clear: bring the two together, conference the bill, and pass something that’s good for America.

I get it. You don’t like the Senate bill. I get it. Senate doesn’t like this bill. But you know what? Let’s get together and get something we both equally dislike but at least it serves the people and moves something forward [Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN-1), quoted in David Rogers, "Farm Bill Advances in House," Politico, 2013.09.26].

Kristi Noem is the least effective member of Congress South Dakota has had in recent memory. Unfortunately, that seems to be just what do-nothing Republicans want.


  1. DB 2013.09.27

    And to think it took Reid 4 years to pass a budget....and he's the leader of the Democrats. If only you put as much effort into creating a viable candidate as you do tearing down republicans, you might have someone in a SD office to support.

  2. Michael Black 2013.09.27

    Congress failed to deliver a farm bill. Rep. Walz whom you quote is just as much a part of the problem as Rep. Noem is.

    If you want to assign blame then the Congress as a whole is guilty.

  3. interested party 2013.09.27

    One way to advance a farm/food bill is to get the Forest Service out of USDA then divide it among various agencies within the Dept. of Interior.

  4. Owen Reitzel 2013.09.27

    "If you want to assign blame then the Congress as a whole is guilty."

    Wrong Michael. The Tea Party has done everything they can to block anything the President has tried to do. "Compromise" is not in their vocabulary. That's the problem in Washington now. In the past both sides could come together for the good of the country. Thanks to the Tea Party, not anymore.

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