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Because I Care: A PSA for South Dakota, Starring Joan, Toby, Dusty, and Dennis!

Joan Jett managed to sound perfectly adult and equanimous over the whole "Gotta eat meat to ride South Dakota's float" publicity fiasco. But once again, South Dakota's intolerant bunker mentality has made us look like yahoos.

So to restore our public image, I offer Secretary Jim Hagen and the South Dakota Department of Tourism this script for a video to promote South Dakota as a place for everyone:

[Scene opens, two nice people sitting at picnic table, eating burgers.]

..and some Crow Peak Beer!
..and some Crow Peak Beer!

[Close-up left: TOBY KEITH, in a straw hat, sleeves torn off his checked shirt, wrapping a big handle-bar mustache around a thick Angus burger, dripping with cheese, BBQ sauce, the works. Heck, put a fried egg on top. Big noisy chewing and groans of gustatory ecstasy. Beef Check-off button clearly visible on cowboy hat.]

Num num num!
Num num num!

[Close-up right: JOAN JETT, in standard fem-punk regalia, denim jacket with sleeves torn off, wrapping sensual lips around massive soy burger, sprouts raining out from under the bun, similar dripping, similar ecstatic noises. South Dakota Soybean pin clearly visible on collar.]

JETT [looks at Keith, enunciates around big burger bite]: Hey, what're you eatin'?

KEITH: Angus burger! 100% pure beef! Yeehaw!

JETT: Real meat?! [makes suitable expression of distaste]

KEITH: Yeah! What-choo eatin'?

JETT: Soy burger! 100% soybeans! Yeah!" [makes rocker hand gesture]

KEITH: Soy? [makes suitable expression of distaste] Where's that come from?

JETT: South Dakota.

KEITH: South Dakota?!

JETT: Yeah, South Dakota. Where's your burger come from?

KEITH: South Dakota.

JETT: Really?!

KEITH: Yeah. South Dakota.

[JETT and KEITH realize oneness, exchange conciliatory gazes.]

[Enter DUSTY JOHNSON and DENNIS DAUGAARD, in aprons and really big chef hats. DUSTY struggles in, dwarfed under the weight of two trays, one heaped with soy burgers, one heaped with Angus burgers. DENNIS carries two spatulas, to keep meat from touching soy.)

Optional: Governor Daugaard delivers burgers  by parachute!
Optional: Governor Daugaard delivers burgers by parachute!

DAUGAARD [with biggest goofy farm-boy grin he can muster]: Who wants another burger?

ALL [to camera]: South Dakota!

DAUGAARD: Something for everybody!

[KEITH and JETT each take one more enormous bite.]

VOICEOVER: Paid for by the South Dakota Stockgrowers and the South Dakota Soybean Association.

[FADE to black.]

Secretary Hagen, make some calls! Shoot the video! Get Dusty an apron!


  1. Rorschach 2013.11.18

    I like it. It's a bit narcissistic, but not at all histrionic.

  2. interested party 2013.11.18

    Soy must be fermented to have any health benefit and little organic product is grown in the chemical toilet.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.18

    Larry! Be quiet! We're advertising, not educating.

  4. Mike Henriksen 2013.11.18

    Classic! One of your best ideas ever!

  5. Vincent Gormley 2013.11.18

    Larry, not if it is edamame. And to those who might say vegetarians have no sense of humor I offer this: What is a veggie burger? A couch potato with two very large buns.
    And I am a vegetarian having not consumed meat for 22 years.

  6. Douglas Wiken 2013.11.18

    Speaking of buns, yesterday Mother Goose and Grimm cartoon showed an island with standing stone statues with large rear ends. The title under it was "Keister Island".

  7. Deb Geelsdottir 2013.11.18

    Doug, I saw that cartoon. Hilarious!

  8. Ben Cerwinske 2013.11.18

    Love it Cory!

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