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Pressler: Fight Voter Apathy with More Debates

Independent candidate for U.S. Senate Larry Pressler thinks the low turnout in Tuesday's primary is a problem. One way to address that problem, says Pressler, is to have more public debates!

Because of the low turnout apathy in the primary, I am suggesting that we have even more face-to-face debates this year. I am suggesting to organizations, TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, and public TV that we have at least eight to ten debates – if the scheduling is done now we will not have a scheduling problem, and I suggest that organizations set up the timeframe as soon as possible. We of course will also have several joint appearances, but let us not substitute joint appearances for real debate [Larry Pressler, press release, 2014.06.05].

Pressler claims credibility when it comes to calling for debates. He notes that when he last ran as an incumbent Senator in 1996, he agreed to eight radio and television debates. We ought to be able to at least that many debates from a field with no incumbents, right?

And Pressler may have a point. We can dispute the rhetorical merits of the media spectacles we call "debates." But those media spectacles serve at least public awareness, if not public edification. The four U.S. Senate candidates, the three South Dakota gubernatorial candidates, and the two U.S. House candidates need to be seen together, discussing policy and rebutting each other's points, on as many screens and stages as we can arrange. Messrs. Weiland, Howie, and Rounds, accept Pressler's challenge. Do Dakotafest, the State Fair, KELO, SDPB, the Blogosphere, and everyone else who can offer a stage and mics and maybe a camera. Raise awareness, raise turnout, and build your mandate.


  1. Jim 2014.06.05

    But Mike doesn't like debates.

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.06.05

    ...because Mike doesn't want high turnout from informed voters.

  3. owen reitzel 2014.06.05

    Marion will never debate. he can't back up his claims.

  4. Nick Nemec 2014.06.05

    Mike Rounds will refuse all but two debates, the State Fair and SDPTV, and will only agree to those on the condition that only he and Weiland are invited.

  5. owen reitzel 2014.06.05

    I think you're right Nick.
    We'll have to count how many times he says "Common Sense"

  6. Steve Sibson 2014.06.05

    Common sense for an Establishment politician is to not talk about the issues, raise a lot of money, and concentrate on increasing name ID.

  7. Lynn 2014.06.05

    Nick if that's the case maybe Rounds feels his chances are so good he has no need to attend a debate. Instead of a debate where he is challenged regarding his record or policy claims he will only expose himself to a tightly controlled environment.

  8. Barry G. Wick 2014.06.05

    Yeah, just what the public wants...more verbage from loquacious candidates. What the public really wants is fewer self-serving politicians, fewer useless wars, fewer corporate and government intrusions into human rights, attention to the needs of people who are needy, and repair of the nation's infrastructure...just to name a few.

  9. Michael B 2014.06.05

    I want to see all of the candidates out talking to people at events like the SD State Fair. My father and I talked to Stace Nelson for 15 minutes last year. No one else was around to talk to from either party.

  10. Jana 2014.06.05

    Not to be too harsh on the media...but shouldn't they be playing a larger role in all of this?

    If the Rounds campaign decides not to play, does that mean the issues no longer matter to their readers/viewers/listeners.

    They were largely AWOL on the Dem primary which might be a part of the low voter turnout...not an excuse for Dems not voting...but sheesh, there was precious little coverage.

  11. Tara Volesky 2014.06.05

    If Mike Rounds wins by avoiding all debates, than what does that tell you about the SD voters. I believe when Jim Abnor ran against George McGovern, Abnor refused to debate and McGovern lost. Come on SD....WAKE UP! Hate to say, but 85% of the voters have no clue or no interest in SD politics, and that's what the Republican establishment loves.

  12. Jenny 2014.06.05

    Does Rounds even travel around the state like Weiland is doing? Voters should demand and attend town hall meetings and be asking the tough questions from both candidates and if Golden Boy Mike refuses, then Weiland team should make it an issue.

  13. Tara Volesky 2014.06.05

    He doesn't have to, he has KELO to do his campaigning.

  14. Scott 2014.06.05

    Debates also reveal a lot about the candidates character. I pay attention to how a candidate treats the other debaters and if a candidate actually tries to answer questions.

    I wish we had laws limiting the amount of money that could be spent by candidates and also how much pack money could be spent on campaigns.

    Candidates should travel around the state together and have a debate in every county in the state. Average citizens asking real questions about real life issues. Instead we will hear campaign commercials with constant rhetoric about the other candidate.

  15. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.06.05

    Scott: yes! Debates everywhere! Group roadtrip!

  16. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.06.05

    Jana, when my tip jar gets full enough, I'm going to buy KDLT. We'll still run Brian Williams and the Tonight Show and whatever else the kids watch. But during primary and election season, we will pre-empt one hour a night in prime time, every night, for debates, fora, journalist panel discussions, whatever we can put together for local and state election coverage.

    We will also show Star Trek every night.

  17. larry kurtz 2014.06.05

    1.9 million hits, cah: long may you run.

  18. larry kurtz 2014.06.05

    Interesting contrast of liberal and progressive: Madville's traffic overtook and passed Missoula's 4and20 Blackbirds, one of the oldest political blogs in Montana.

  19. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.06.05

    Contrast of liberal and progressive? Do elaborate. Who's who?

  20. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.06.05

    Of course, to Rounds mouthpieces like Pat Powers, calling for more debates and more honest public discourse with candidates is for losers.

  21. larry kurtz 2014.06.05

    Madville has had little criticism from what 4and20 calls the 'principled left' sees President Obama as a drone-wielding neocon who betrayed the working poor. Tweets out of the rez echo some of that. Clearly you see some of that, Cory.

  22. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.06.05

    I'm just trying to clarify the distinction: is "liberal" more lefty, and I'm the less-lefty progressive?

  23. larry kurtz 2014.06.06

    Cory: your liberalism is just not progressive enough for those of us on your left. There is a three month window where we can craft our message for the fall elections: our base deserves that. If SD Dems eliminate the primary process like SDGOP should we will disenfranchise those of us who need representation. Republicans in the state merely mouth democracy: we need to live it.

  24. larry kurtz 2014.06.06

    Had SDGOP nominated Rounds at their convention the Boz spectacle would never had happened: more evidence that the Rounds campaign needed, and still needs, distractions from their weak fall candidate.

  25. Kal Lis 2014.06.06


    You're comment at 23:03 puts me to Cory's left. I certainly see Obama as a neocon on drones and surveillance. He may not have deserted the working poor but he has not fought for them.

    I don't believe I'm on Cory's left politically. There needs to be a little more nuance in that analysis.

  26. larry kurtz 2014.06.06

    Leo, we can't let third party candidates lead on cannabis rights, gender equality, firearms management, social justice and reproductive freedoms. Pressler is the enemy of our enemy: Mr. Weiland needs to step up to the plate and start taking some hard questions, so does Major Robinson.

  27. tara volesky 2014.06.06

    1st tentative candidate forum will be at the Spirit Camp on the Rosebud Indian Reservation June 27th. The Ed Show will be there. Myers is in......any other takers??????

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