A couple of friends have noted that, over the Monday noon hour, Larry Pressler may have said the funniest thing uttered this month on South Dakota Public Broadcasting. The former Senator and unsuccessful 2014 Independent candidate for Senate was chatting…
Posts tagged as “Larry Pressler”
The South Dakota Democratic Party needs to channel Elizabeth Warren and adopt an unapologetic populist progressivism in defense of the working class. Rick Weiland speaks that Warrenesque language. Rick Weiland also got beat 50–30 in the Senate election. Down with…
Thought you wouldn't have Larry Pressler to kick around any more? Think again. Yesterday, Pressler released remarks he prepared for a speech he's making today to the Farmers Union Foundation in Aberdeen. The former Senator continues to press his "Pressler…
Well, that was unpleasant. Let's begin this gray day with Independent candidate Larry Pressler's concession announcement, posted at 9 p.m. last night. As you read this letter, consider these two key questions: The Black Elk question: why do bad men…
Larry Pressler is beating Mike Rounds 3–1 on newspaper endorsements. The Mitchell Daily Republic waits until the last minute (like how many of their readers?) to throw in with Lovable Larry. They like his commitment, moderation, and one-term promise. What…
Hey, Pressler Democrats! Does this flyer help pull you back to Democrat Rick Weiland? Planned Parenthood MN-ND-SD's PAC has been filling South Dakota mailboxes with this mailer. Planned Parenthood has also put up ChooseWeiland.com to remind pro-lady Dems that Weiland…
With less than 24 hours until the polls open, Rick Weiland's race for Senate comes right back to where it started. With the two largest papers in South Dakota saying Mike Rounds doesn't deserve a Senate seat, with Larry Pressler…
Don't tell me EB-5 doesn't have legs. The Rapid City Journal joins the chorus saying Mike Rounds is not fit to be Senator. Unlike that Sioux Falls paper, the Rapid City Journal doesn't dance around the EB-5 scandal; it says…